🖥️ Content Writing & Blog Editing | People's Revolt

Ifeoma Ahuna


Content Writer

Social Media Manager

Content Creator


Google Docs


⚡ As the a blog writer and editor for up and coming social media agency, I curated, wrote, and edited an interactive quiz-blog that got celebrity attention and went viral!

🎯 The Need

For this project, I worked with a Social Media Marketing Agency's blog called This is UPROAR, to write, edit, and publish 500-1,000 word pieces for their monthly blogs.
This company and blog centered around hip, fun, trendy, and "taboo" topics for the millennial/Gen Z group and shed light to unique issues readers were facing.
I was tasked with using the brand voice to create a trendy blog around influencers to increase readership and decided to take a unique approach!

The Process 💻

Before writing and choosing this topic, I was able to perform some research on trendy topics for readers in the 18-30 + Gen Z demographic. With my own knowledge of this space and Google Analytics, as well as other trending topic analytics pages, I was able to come up with this blog topic to strategically get more views on the blog page.
Blog graphic I made for the cover image.
Blog graphic I made for the cover image.
After researching, I decided to make the blog fun, quick, and engaging by making it an interactive quiz to see which "problematic influencer" you most align with.
Above is a graphic made for the internal portion of the blog to add a fun and relevant image to the topic.
Below are writing examples from the introduction and quiz that match the UPROAR brand voice and tone.

📝 The Product

The Blog Quiz: Which Problematic Influencer Are You? 📸

The blog consisted of 500+ words, graphics, photos, and text about the quiz and "answers" to the quiz correlating with each Tik Tok, Youtube, Instagram, or Vine star. As seen above, one of the influencers mentioned in the blog was Tana Mongeau, who later got word of the blog through the UPROAR Instagram page.

The Result ✨

As a result of this blog being published on the Wix blog site and there being an Instagram post to go along with it, the blog got noticed by Tana herself. In the end, it got over 8,000 views and the blog site 100 new subscribers. People enjoyed taking the quiz and finding out which relevant TikTok and Instagram influencer they were and the blog tapped into a new market!
Do you need help with your blog to get a more targeted focus and more exposure! Contact me through my Services page! 💌
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Posted Jun 10, 2021

Under the People's Revolt agency blog, This is Uproar, I strategized a topic and quiz-piece that went viral with the target audience, increasing subscribers.






People's Revolt


Content Writer

Social Media Manager

Content Creator


Google Docs


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