👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Landing Page Copy | Online Dating

Buse Umur ✨

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Google Analytics

Case Study 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Challenges 👀

Tired of swiping? I hear ya'.
So is this brand.
Since you can find an online dating app in every corner, we had some challenges:
Build a brand presence
Create a unique brand voice
Distinguish from other dating apps
Change the narrative on online dating
Engage the target audience

Action ✍️

Developed a brand voice by combining the brand values and relevant keywords
Used storytelling in the content strategy
Wrote the landing page, about us, our mission, values, how it works, and FAQs
Created a visual representation of the website to maximize the user experience

Testimonials 🔎

I can't wait for the website release and share the results with you!
Until then, I'll leave you the founder's review.
Take care! 💙

Thank you for the exceptional job you did writing the content for my landing page. Your hard work and attention to detail truly made all the difference, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results.”
👀 Seems impressive? Do you have a story to tell the world? Why not try it together? Promise, I won't bite 🌝
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