Adelaida Garcia Lares

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

S&S TECNIPETROL, C.A. is a company that offers equipment, parts and supplies in the oil and industrial sector.

The company was created with a mission to forge strategic partnerships with leading manufacturers of equipment, components and supplies on a global scale. This allows us to offer the highest quality products to our customers worldwide.

✨ Client's desire

Develop a dynamic brand identity that inspires evolution and professionalism in the industrial sector.

🔑 Visual Keywords

  • Modern
  • Adult
  • Sophisticated and Luxurious
  • Geometric
  • Abstract

Visual Identity

The bases of this include a color palette composed by primary colors, this time far from the common use in visual identities of companies related to the national public sector. This time a more sober and not so saturated perspective of these colors was sought, so that when used together, it generates a pleasant and mature contrast.

Color Palette

A wide San Serif font was chosen for the logo, seeking to give a wider and simpler air, without moving away from the modern aesthetic thanks to its curved finishes.

Family Font

For the creation of the Logo, we sought to take advantage of characteristic elements of the previous Visual Identity, to create consistency and in turn, give a more modern and functional style.

Through the union of 1/4 of a circle, a figure was created that represents the two "S" of the name. Enclosed in a circle, an image alluding to the world (an element used in the previous logo) is shown and denotes movement and fluidity.

Logo System


Business Card
Corporeal Letters
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