"The Range Presents" Series | Poster Design

Madeline Lopez


Graphic Designer

Social Media Manager

Visual Artist

Adobe Photoshop

Google Drive

Main Poster Design
Main Poster Design


This poster design I created for The Range has been in the making for a long time. I created the initial design back in March, and have been waiting for the right time to put it to use. This is personally my favorite design I've ever done.
Band Photos
Band Photos
Unlike a lot of my work that's influenced by vintage ideas and designs, I feel like this piece is more modern than it is vintage. I printed out each individual image of the three different bands and scanned them back to get the authentic scan lines and all the beautiful imperfections that comes along with it.
Text Details
Text Details
The text main took the longest to make out of all the other elements. It took me a little while to figure out the perfect placement for the bands and the show information to make the perfect structure of text. One of my favorite details is
Initial Test Design
Initial Test Design
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Posted Aug 24, 2022

Poster art created to promote The Range's Concert and Vendor Market.






The Range


Graphic Designer

Social Media Manager

Visual Artist

Adobe Photoshop

Google Drive

"Letters To My Friends" | Album Art
"Letters To My Friends" | Album Art
"El Camino Mercado" Series | Poster Design
"El Camino Mercado" Series | Poster Design
"The Range Presents" Series | Poster Design
"The Range Presents" Series | Poster Design
"The Range Presents" Series | Poster Design
"The Range Presents" Series | Poster Design