Showcasing Kala's Kimchi culinary creativity with a cohesive online brand and professional digital transformation for broader reach.
Developed comprehensive brand-building education program for in-house ad agency, providing scalable solutions & strategic frameworks to support clients' brands
Designing engaging digital marketing content for Cam Cam Copenhagen, a premium and sustainable children's interior brand, to strengthen the brand identity.
Complete rebranding for Hot Yoga Copenhagen, transforming their brand identity to highlight a premium, spa-like wellness experience, boosting online presence
Established creative direction for disruptive workout concept, by crafting unique brand narrative & visual identity inspired by 80s and 90s fitness aesthetics.
Developed a sustainable strategy for ECCO with the sub-brand Newpair, focusing on up-cycling and repairing shoes to extend product lifespan and consumer loyalty
Applied the horizon scanning research method at Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, identifying weak signals of emerging trends in weekly reports.