Referrals & rewards app - boosting blue-collar business

Juan Martínez

Product Manager
Fullstack Engineer
Samantha del Rio helps kitchen repairs, safety and remodelling companies in LA find clients by managing their word-of-mouth marketing. As her business grew, she contacted me to create the App that would take Flow Kaching and its clients to the next level.
I worked with Samantha to prioritize her needs and design a roadmap for Flow Kaching’s tech. This is what I did for her:
A fully responsive web + mobile-friendly app that works as Flow Kaching’s central “brain” and manages all clients. 📱
A web-portal “smart generator” which allows Samantha to easily and super-quickly create web portales for her clients to have an online presence.
Simple Whatsapp integration 💬 with links and QR code generation for customers to promote their referrals program.
Completely server-less environment to reduce the complexity or her tech-stack.
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