AsyncHealth | FlutterFlow | Healthcare

Niral Dhameliya

Business Consultant
Flutterflow Developer
AI Developer
Google Cloud Functions

Technical Description for Async Health

Async Health is a application designed to streamline mental healthcare access by facilitating asynchronous communication between patients and mental health professionals. This innovative approach eliminates the need for patients to wait for appointments, enabling them to receive timely support whenever needed.

Core Functionalities

Asynchronous Patient-Clinician Interaction

Patients submit video recordings and responses to a comprehensive questionnaire outlining their concerns. Clinicians can then review these materials at their convenience and provide feedback asynchronously.

Enhanced Review Process

Robust features empower clinicians to effectively review patient submissions:

Video Transcription

Automated transcription streamlines review and analysis of video recordings.

Video Merging

Clinicians can merge videos based on sessions or topics for a more holistic view of a patient's progress.

Collaborative Review

Multiple clinicians can simultaneously review submissions and contribute observational notes, fostering a collaborative care approach.

Flexible Patient-Clinician Matching

Administrator-Driven Matching

Administrators can assign patients to specific clinicians based on their needs and expertise.

Clinician Autonomy

Clinicians have the flexibility to take on patients who they believe they can effectively assist.

Technologies Used

The following technologies underpin Async Health's functionality:


Google's mobile app development platform likely provides backend services such as authentication, databases, cloud storage, and analytics.


FlutterFlow, a low-code development platform, was used to create a mobile app companion to the application.

App Screens

1. Login & Register Screen

This screen allows authorized users (patients and clinicians) to log or register as new users into the Async Health platform using their credentials.

2. User Profile Screen

This screen likely displays a user's profile information, potentially including:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Medical history
  • Progress summary

3. Choose Your Focus Screen

This screen empowers patients to specify their areas of concern. It likely presents a selection of mental health conditions or challenges (e.g., alcohol abuse, anxiety, depression, drug addiction) to guide clinicians in tailoring their support.

4. Appointments and Task List Screen

This screen functions as a central hub for managing patient-clinician interactions. It might provide an overview of:

  • Upcoming video consultations
  • Outstanding tasks list

5. Appointment and Chat Screen

This screen offers a detailed view of a specific appointment or task. It could include:

  • Date and time of the scheduled consultation
  • Specific task instructions for patients via chat
  • Clinician notes and recommendations from past consultations

6. Choose Your Interviewer Screen

This screen empowers patients to select a clinician for their consultation. It might present profiles of available clinicians with relevant details to aid patients in making informed choices.

7. Main Screen

This screen serves as the primary navigation point for users. It likely provides intuitive access to key functionalities like:

  • Selecting a focus area
  • Scheduling or joining video consultations
  • Managing appointments and tasks
  • Accessing past consultation reports

Async Health leverages technology to bridge the gap in mental healthcare accessibility. Its asynchronous communication model empowers patients to receive timely support from qualified professionals, while offering clinicians flexibility in managing their workload. Robust features like video transcription, collaborative review, and dynamic matching support a comprehensive and efficient care experience.

Are you seeking a developer to create or enhance a mobile application that prioritizes user-centered design and leverages innovative technologies?

My expertise encompasses building applications that address real-world challenges, particularly in the healthcare domain. I'm passionate about crafting user-friendly interfaces and integrating powerful backend functionalities to deliver impactful solutions. Let's discuss how I can help you bring your vision for Health Care App to the next level!

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