Brand positioning | Dubai hotel :: Behance

Danil Tkachenko


Brand Strategist



Google Docs


"Blue Beach Tower" is a hotel in Dubai. Its owner planned a grand revitalization and decided to undergo a complete rebranding as a part of this transformation. 
The team that was tasked to create the brand book consisted of three people: a creative strategist, a graphic designer, and a copywriter (me).
I suggested the client focus on wellness and self-care themes, evoking a "home away from home" feeling.
The base concept we agreed upon with the client was "Mirror". It was inspired by the specifics of the hotel's interior design and offered creative potential for effective branding.
The second phase of creating the brand book was developing the brand positioning, which would then serve as the foundation for the visual brand identity.
After conducting a brief with the client, my first task was to come up with naming ideas that were based on his preferences and the brand's new essence.
The client selected the final option, which was an abbreviation of the new slogan.
Associations are the keywords we use to shape the brand's voice. Which feelings should we evoke in the hotel's clients?
From this point, you can see the key elements of the brand positioning, which are based on the core concept.
The client confirmed this phase of the brand book's development. From that point, the designer began shaping the brand's visual identity, while I assisted with the additional text needed, including the one for the stationery, signage, and navigation.
Next, I share a few slides from the brand book that represent my work (text elements).
One of my additional tasks was to present an example of the brand's communication on social media.
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Posted Nov 17, 2024

I collaborated with an art director to develop the brandbook for a hotel in Dubai, which aimed to establish a refreshed brand identity.






Brand Strategist



Google Docs


Brand positioning | Lifestyle brand
Brand positioning | Lifestyle brand
Branding and SMM | Cultural Space
Branding and SMM | Cultural Space
Brand positioning | Cultural media
Brand positioning | Cultural media
Social Media Captions | Dubai Hotel
Social Media Captions | Dubai Hotel