What to Consider When Applying to Law Schools

Molly Powell


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If you’re at the stage of getting close to finishing your undergrad schooling (yay!) or you’re at the beginning and trying to plan ahead, and law school is in your future, there are many things to consider for your legal degree. Let’s just assume you are a diligent and dedicated student, because face it, any law school is going to require hard work and good grades for an acceptance letter. So, you have that under belt. Great. Onto figuring out which schools to apply for!
The most important factor when deciding on a law school should be employment outcomes. Before even applying, find their career service department. Look at the percentages of internships, fellowships, and support the school offers. Even if you’re not entirely sure what aspect of law you want to focus on, finding a school that does all it can to provide you with a wonderful career post graduation is extremely important.
Second on the list should be the location of the law school. If you know entertainment law, you need to be in either LA or NYC, finding school demographics in this area will be enriching and easier to transition post law school. Not only have you had three years to adjust to the new area, but you’ve made great connections, and are ready for success!
Although last on the list, I find especially with criminal law, or working in government places, prestigious schools can set you higher at getting a job over one who has not gone to an Ivy League. This can be your ticket into getting that dream job working with a President or becoming a top earning attorney. If factors such as the cost, or approval odds for grades are not an issue for you, you should absolutely consider applying to Ivy League schools. To have that on your resume will get you into rooms that other law students of other schools will not.
At the end of the day, regardless of what school you’ve chosen, you’re on your way to bigger and better things. Study hard and make all those dreams come true!
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Posted Nov 1, 2024

If you’re at the stage of getting close to finishing your undergrad schooling (yay!) or you’re at the beginning and tryi






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