I’m still going to watch the show again and again, regardless of these reasons, but I think the show could’ve been so much better if romances, and certain plots, and dialogue was changed a bit. To this day, there is no show that has the mysticism, beautiful and talented cast, and perfect setting that The Vampire Diaries has. There’s something about the high school in a small town with witches, vampires, and werewolves that even in my young adult years I still feel drawn to, the way high school me did when I’d fantasize about the what if’s of a vampire boyfriend (lol) when I was supposed to be paying attention in class. I love this show and have quite literally grown up with it. Staying up and watching it before theater auditions to watch it as I wrote my college admission essays. It’s rare for shows like this that are so impactful and monumental which makes it special. And to Paul, that time I met you at a restaurant and my eyes got really wide and I ran and screamed- so sorry.