Aircall - Telecom Dashboard Design

Elias Castro

Web Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer

Experience, challenges, and achievements

During my time at Aircall, I had the opportunity to work on innovative products that aimed to improve the experience of call center managers and customers. In the Conversation Center project, we aimed to provide valuable insights into customer conversations and performance metrics, while in the SmartFlows project, we focused on creating an app that would allow customers to easily set up call distributions based on their specific needs.
One of the challenges in both of these projects was working with teams in different time zones. However, we were able to overcome these challenges through open communication and collaboration. We regularly scheduled video calls and used online collaboration tools to keep track of our progress and ensure that everyone was on the same page.
To ensure that our designs were effective, we applied Design Thinking and Agile Methodologies to our design process. We conducted extensive user research and testing to understand the needs of our users and to identify pain points in their workflows. Based on this research, we iterated on our designs and tested them with users to ensure that they were effective.

Conversation Center (previously known as Voice AI)

In the Conversation Center project, we were able to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the speech-to-text transcription player. The player allowed call center managers to quickly identify key conversation points and improve their team's performance. The final product was a success, and we received positive feedback from our users. The product was also scalable, allowing for easy integration with other business tools and platforms.


In the SmartFlows project, we faced a logic workaround that required careful attention to detail and a lot of iterations. Through extensive user research and testing, we were able to create an intuitive interface that allowed customers to easily set up call distributions without needing extensive technical knowledge. The final product met the business goals of the project and was well-received by our users.


Overall, my experience working at Aircall was an incredible learning opportunity. I had the chance to work on challenging and rewarding projects with talented and dedicated teams. Through open communication, collaboration, and the application of Design Thinking and Agile Methodologies, we were able to create products that improved the experience of call center managers and customers.
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