Brand Identity Design | Emily Mundell

Lisa Long


Brand Designer


Blog Writer

Main Logo
Main Logo

Project Overview

Emily Mundell is an indie author who writes Young Adult and New Adult fantasy novels. Her stories often involve sweeping kingdoms, high stakes, war, magic, and dark themes.
Logo Variants
Logo Variants
Color Palette
Color Palette

Aesthetic Considerations

Emily Mundell is known for enjoying nature, working with horses, and loving Tolkien-isc worlds. The chosen color scheme brings out the mood of the author's books and the personal interests she shares on social media.
Suggested Fonts and Illustrations
Suggested Fonts and Illustrations
Business Card Mockups
Business Card Mockups

Fonts and Illustrations

EB Garamond brings seriousness and sophistication to the font selection. Caveat represents creativity and artistry; Monsterrat is simple and easy to read.
Mountains suggest the sweeping epic feel of Emily Mundell's fantasy worlds and the moon and stars serve two purposes—to represent the darkness of night (because her works' dark mood) but also, to say that even in the dark, there's always some light.
Possibly Site Design
Possibly Site Design
Mood Board
Mood Board

Like what you see?

Do you have a brand that needs fleshing out? A redesign? Some extra elements? I'd love to work with you; get in touch!
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Posted Mar 27, 2023

Designed logo and brand identity kit for indie author to unify her brand aesthetic and messaging.






Brand Designer


Blog Writer

Lisa Long

Copywriter & Editor | Social Media Manager & Designer

Article writing | "How to Find Your Art Style"
Article writing | "How to Find Your Art Style"
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Instagram caption copy & post planning | Integral Design
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