Solo Travel Blog | Content Writing

Marleena Garris

Creative Writer
Article Writer
Blog Writer
Social Media

This is a personal project

Made with love, I have a special heart for wandering. If anyone is interested in astronomy, I fall on the Sagittarius type for all of my big three, and while I learned this much later in my travel journey, it's fun to have an explanation, right?

The beginning of your solo travel journey with me starts here.


Create an engaging and fun weekly entry on solo travel, whether it be tips and tricks on the road, specifics as a femme on the road, going alone + more, I am always looking forward to my next entry.

Write from my voice: fun and down to earth with a causal feel. Anytime you open my articles, I want you to feel like we just sat to brunch. No pressure! Who wants pressure anyway?

Research topics that connect to the article of the week. I personally use a bunch of items that I reference, and since this is a project of passion, I take special care into recommending items and places I love. The same investigative quality I bring to my work also takes place in my writing, due to my natural inquisitive nature.


An ongoing series on solo travel. If you would like to follow along on my journey, start here!

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