5 motivating tips to help you when you want to uplevel your life

Jade Se Tho

Content Writer
Article Writer
Blog Writer
Feeling comfortable in life is a wonderful thing. Humans are generally creatures of comfort and our brains are hard wired for efficiency. But there is a fine line between comfort and monotony. Coasting through life and doing the same thing every day can become dull or boring and the feeling of being stuck or helpless isn't pleasant. When your heart is craving for more but you are lost on how to get there, it can literally tug on your heart strings from within.
If you are feeling stuck or lost in which direction to take next, then that can often be an indication that your soul is craving growth and you are ready for an UP-LEVEL.
Below I am sharing my Top 5 tips to help motivate you, when you're feeling the urge to uplevel!
1. When you decide to step up and live up to your full potential, you will naturally feel resistance.
Things will get a little uncomfortable, it is as simple as that. Don't be fooled into convincing yourself that you should give up because most often, that is not the case at all. If you are feeling stretched or challenged, remind yourself that it is a normal part of the process. Try not to take this as a 'sign' to give up at the first encounter of resistance. The conscious mind can be tricky and make us question our dreams which leads to self doubt and an urge to give up!! If you can drown out the noise and rise above the fear, you may be able to listen and follow the voice of your soul instead of your ego or 'monkey' mind! If your approach doesn’t work? That doesn't mean that you have failed. It just means that another approach is needed and all you have to do is simply try again.
If your mind is taking over, drop into your body and into your heart. Remember the mind thinks but the heart knows and you can trust your heart, even when the little voice in your mind is telling you to give up. If your heart wants it, it's because it is meant for you, or you wouldn't want it.
Most of the time it's our own worries and fears that hold us back and most of our worrying is about future outcomes. The future isn't created yet so worrying about it only leaks your creative power and energy. Focusing on the present is going to help you let go of some of the resistance, soften and surrender.
2. Where your attention goes, energy flows.
If you constantly focus on how far you have to go, or how far behind everyone else you are, then you are going to make it harder for yourself. You will always feel 'behind.' You are on your own unique journey and it's not actually even supposed to look and feel like everyone else's journey. Shift your perception and frequency by focusing on what you have achieved, instead of what you haven’t achieved and it will help propel you forward faster. If you’re comparing yourself to others, then you are giving away not only your energy, but also your power. Keep your eyes on the prize, don’t get distracted by others.
3. Overworking and not taking time to rest or integrate.
As a society we have been conditioned and programmed to feel like we need to be constantly 'doing, hustling and grinding' if we want to progress or get anywhere further in life.
But that can actually hinder our expansion and growth, because if we are 'doing' all the time, we don't leave time and space for integration.
When you advance or uplevel your life there is often growth and evolution required to take you up to the next 'level.' Often the growth that we need to move forward is created through the completion of life and soul lessons, healing and inner work. The Evolution and growth arrives when we 'embody' that higher version of ourselves. We cannot integrate and embody if we are running around like a headless chicken and 'overgiving.'
We attract what we are, not what we 'think' we are or what we 'do.'
Therefore 'doing more' is not necessarily going to give you the results you desire. When you are in a space of receptivity you can open and receive more and we reach that state when we are soft and open, not stressed and overworked in survival mode.
4. Letting other people's judgements and opinions affect you.
Some people will have a problem with your growth, so you might lose some friends or even feel judged as you go through your transformation. But then again, you might keep some friends who fully support you and are even inspired by you to make the changes they want in their own lives also. There's an old cliche saying 'you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.'
There will always be resistance in friends and family no matter what you do in life, because the truth is that not everyone is going to 'get it.' But the company you keep and the people you surround yourself with DO matter. When you start working on yourself it will only highlight to those around you how much work they need to do on themselves and sometimes they are simply not ready. Don’t let it swerve you off your path. Even when they tease you and make fun of you. You do you..... always.
5. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
Growth is scary AF especially if you are being called to a big desire or to pursue a project or dream that is coming from your soul! When we do inner work it gets messy and tough. As we release and purge old habits, beliefs and ways of thinking we now have to adapt and that makes us feel really uncomfortable. You might find yourself on an emotional roller coaster as you release everything. Anything that is not aligned and serving your new way of thinking may come to the surface for you to feel, heal and release, including limiting belief systems, patterns and habits. Growth like healing isn’t linear and it’s definitely not all pretty butterflies and rainbows, but wow the results are more than worth it when you feel the shift.
Above all, remember not to give up on yourself and don’t question your dreams or you could remain stagnant and stay exactly where you are now meaning nothing will change. But if you’re ready to take all of this on board and willing to change your life once and for all then it’s going to be a hell of a ride and personally, I’m all for it!!
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