5 Signs you may be out of alignment with your soul purpose and …

Jade Se Tho

Content Writer
Blog Writer

5 Signs you may be out of alignment with your soul purpose and mission.

If you are not living in alignment with your soul there will be signs EVERYWHERE.
They will appear in all shapes and forms because the Universe is always communicating with you and your higher self is always guiding you towards what is in alignment.
Sometimes we ignore the signs. Sometimes we are simply so engrossed in our own lives that we don't even notice them.
But if we stop and take a minute to pause and breathe, we can tune in and then we may start to see both the obvious and subtle hints that are all around us
There are several reasons we choose to ignore the signs, mainly down to our fear of change or feelings of doubt around our own intuition and spiritual gifts.
But here are 5 signs that you may be living a life unaligned with your soul's highest path and timeline - have you noticed any of these signs in your life recently?
You feel sluggish, tired and struggle to get out of bed.
When we are out of alignment it's hard to feel excited and light.
Often we have slightly ventured off of our own path because we have been trying to live up to other people's expectations or focusing on the 'should' and 'have to's' in life.
If you're not doing what truly lights you up then you may start to feel heavy energetically from the weight of carrying what isn't really yours to carry. If you're not in alignment then it can really start to have an effect on your mood and energy levels. If you are feeling tired, heavy, unmotivated and uninspired especially in the morning's, then maybe it's time for a life check in and re-evaluation over what needs to go and what you want to keep in your life.
What makes you feel excited, light and inspired to get out of bed each day?
2. Your experiencing aches and pains and maybe even weird illnesses and symptoms
Whatever exists is the energetic body manifests into the physical body, so if you know something is feeling a little off - then dig a little deeper. A blocked throat chakra can sometimes for example, manifest as neck pain and tension and this is our centre of creativity. If you are stuck in an office crunching numbers everyday, but your soul has a desire to be creative - then you may experience this as a symptom and sign.
Digestive issues can often indicate a leak in personal power and self worth.
When we are not in our personal power and embodying our full worth, we easily hold ourselves back and limit ourselves from taking the risks and leaps of faith, that really create big positive changes in our lives and leap us into higher realities.
Where in your body are you feeling pulled back, tight, restricted or bound?
The body tells all. Your intuition also lies in your body. Don't ignore the signs your body may give to you indicating that you're not in alignment.
3. You are living the same day or even year on repeat.
It feels like you are on a hamster wheel doing the same thing every day
I very much doubt your soul purpose is to live the same mundane day on repeat, especially if it is unfulfilling and sucking the life out of you LOL. Resist the urge to accept this is how life is and suck it up, but instead GO and break the cycle.
We repeat patterns of thought, habit and behaviour on a daily basis on AUTO PILOT.
So unless you do something to break the pattern and change it, you could simply be going round in circles doing the same thing until you decide to take action.
4. Lots of bad luck, negative situations and obstacle after obstacle.
When you’re unaligned it means you are not in flow, when you are not in flow you meet RESISTANCE.
If things seem to always go wrong for you, or opportunities are not being attracted to you, then you need to SHAKE THINGS UP. When we are aligned and in flow, life flows effortlessly. Sometimes its a mindset shift, sometimes an energetic shift and sometimes you will require COMPLETE CHANGE. How will you know?
The only way to know is to get to know yourself on a SOUL LEVEL and tune into your HEART.
The mind thinks but the heart knows and your heart is the portal that connects you to your soul.
So if you want to be guided, let your heart guide you.
5. When you think about your future you feel anxious and hopeless.
You may even feel frustrated, bitter or resentful.
FYI - Life is not supposed to feel this way. It is possible to create a joyful life that leaves you feeling so excited, that you jump out of bed every morning, raring to go. If this is not you, then now is the time to go soul seeking and start living the life you are worthy of once and for all.
You are worthy of it all
You are deserving of everything that you soul desires!
I hope these questions got you thinking about YOUR SOUL JOURNEY
What could you create and how would you feel if you were on the right path towards your soul mission.
How would that make you feel inside?
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