Article & Blog Post

Jade Se Tho

Content Writer
Blog Writer

Is questioning your owns beliefs and excuses the key to changing your life in 2024

A 'belief' is simply a thought that we think over and over again. We do it out of habit - on autopilot meaning, we are not even aware most of the time!
It happens so often, it becomes ingrained and starts to run unconsciously in the back of the mind, like a program. But here is the thing, many of us are living our lives, operating through a belief system that isn't actually serving us or allowing us to reach our fullest potential.
These deeply ingrained thoughts and behaviours, often play out as patterns in our lives and habits. These patterns are so common that most of them have become so widely accepted, they're almost considered as 'normal.'
However, many are very disempowering and keep us stuck in cycles that we struggle to break out of.
So it’s important we realise, the beliefs we carry are not always true or accurate.
They can be coping mechanisms or simply behaviours we've adopted, to help us feel safe and understood.
It really started to impact my life, when I started to question my own beliefs, instead of just accepting them. It led me to a full transformation, in not only my perception of myself, but also how I viewed the world around me.
It allowed me to really expand and elevate my life and my circumstances alongside reclaiming my personal power.
Think about it….
There's many things that you used to believe, that you don't necessarily believe to be true anymore.
The craziest thing is that the truth is always changing!
The reason is, because we are always growing, expanding and evolving
Therefore our beliefs are always growing, expanding and evolving
So it’s important that we question them.
It's important we ask ‘’where do they come from?’’
So we can figure out if they are even true or if they're still aligned with who we are and who we are becoming.
Because our beliefs have an impact on our lives.
But we can change them
So they can empower us, instead of holding us back and limiting us.
The truth is, that our belief system holds us back if it is not aligned with where we want to go.
So here is a quick exercise for you.
Firstly - Identify where your beliefs come from.
Think about your beliefs and what you believe to be true about your,
Ask yourself, what do your beliefs mean?
Answer quickly without thinking about it too much.
Ultimately it's our beliefs that are holding us back
So it is also important to then ask -
Is this a belief?
Or is it an excuse?
These excuses we make up, really can stop us doing what we desire with our lives.
You might believe your limitations are your truth.
But most of the time they’re not your truth.
The harsh reality is, that it's probably easier to keep telling ourselves that it's true, than actually face it and admit it to ourselves.
Because that would mean we actually have to change
And change can be challenging and hard, especially if our subconscious mind fears the change. This is what leads to self sabotage in our efforts of growth, so we avoid it altogether.
Even if we are unaware that we are doing it.
The best way to figure out if it's a belief or an excuse is to question them.
Because if you don't question, you may not even realise it.
As the limiting story happens so naturally and normally most of the time and the growth feels uncomfortable.
Another good way to tell is to pay attention when you use the word ‘but’
’I would love to do this but’’
When the word but comes often means it's an excuse.
Identify the excuse.
Then ask yourself is this true or if it’s an excuse?
I would love to know, have you challenged your limiting beliefs before ?
What empowering beliefs would you like to have?
Evaluate your beliefs and ask yourself, do the beliefs you currently have still resonate?
Are you holding yourself back because of a limiting belief?
Is it really because you can't do it, or is it - you don’t want to, because you’re afraid of what people will think or you're afraid that you'll fail???
But ultimately the main thing to remember - is that you're not living your life for anyone else.......
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