Enterprise Cloud Platform

Kenneth Lopez

Product Designer
UI Designer

My Role

I served as the initial Product Designer. In this pioneering role, I was instrumental in shaping our software ecosystem and establishing our brand identity. I played a central role in driving the evolution of Nuclei Cloud from its inception to its current state. I closely collaborated with engineers to oversee the complete design and development process, which eventually transformed into the ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform.


ProjectDiscovery is an open-source cybersecurity company that develops software to help security engineers and developers streamline vulnerability workflows. It has a large user base in the InfoSec community, with teams at top internet companies like Fastly, Microsoft, CloudFlare, Gitlab, Facebook, IBM, and others utilizing its solutions.

Template Library


The primary challenge revolved around the fragmentation and inefficiency prevalent in cybersecurity workflows. Despite the growing demand for robust vulnerability management tools, the existing solutions were disjointed, lacking comprehensive integration and optimization. Security engineers and developers faced hurdles in orchestrating a seamless workflow due to the absence of a unified platform. This fragmentation led to prolonged identification-to-resolution timelines, increased exposure to potential threats, and inhibited the agile response necessary in the rapidly evolving threat landscape.


In response to fragmented cybersecurity workflows, I closely collaborated with cross-functional teams to create an integrated ecosystem that streamlined vulnerability workflows from detection to resolution. The resulting platform served as a centralized hub for detecting, assessing, and mitigating vulnerabilities. By integrating seamlessly with existing security tools, it significantly reduced identification-to-resolution timelines and enhanced security measures.This optimization of vulnerability response strategies proved instrumental in fortifying defenses against evolving cyber threats.

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