Otero Investments Group LLC Complete Sales Funnel

Conni Guido


Graphic Designer

Brand Strategist



Google Docs


Otero Investors Group LLC helps those interested in investing with limited knowledge achieve personal growth through an exclusive network of like minded individuals to grow their net worth.


The Hero’s Journey

Our world turned upside down with the pandemic. Everything we knew to be normal changed–including how we worked. Jobs were lost quicker than we can spell the word, and we needed a new approach to making money. 
Our reliance would be our downfall. We need to learn to create and invest to ensure our security. However, there are so many scam groups, programs, and companies that are so quick to take your money that you may never again see that it makes the trust factor in your journey difficult.
Otero Investors Group LLC is a dedicated finance portal where we learn and share among one another. Your purpose is to invest in yourself and grow through networking. An exclusive group where you’re supported and challenged to become the best version of yourself. And with limited risk, the only thing you need to worry about are your own investments. Because Dan Otero is all about the investor’s success…

Future Pacing

You awaken to the harp alarm tone on your phone. It’s 7:30 in the morning. There’s enough time for a run on the treadmill, a shower, and a cup of coffee before the stock market opens. You take your time rolling out of bed, no erratic pounding of your heart from rushing to your shower only to sit in gridlock traffic. To hurry to a job you stopped loving a year ago, that grossly underpaid you.
You dress in an open-button shirt not because you have to, but because you want to feel good about yourself. You walk through the lengthy cream hallway that hosts a number of pictures of your travels, Mexico, Bali, Honduras, the Bahamas…you’re already planning your next trip. The hallway leads you to your office space where a large 70” screen is fixed to the wall, filled bookshelf with reference books, and your computer sits in the center of your desk–waiting to be turned on so you can get to work. All of this is backdropped against two large paneled windows that bathe the room with warmth and sunlight. 
For the first time in what feels like a long time, you look forward to working. Knowing that what you’re doing is making strides towards a greater tomorrow. Your chest is no longer tight, no longer relying on that 3pm cup of coffee to get you through your day. There is peace, prosperity, and pleasure in your life again as you discover what a true work/life balance means. You can breathe knowing that there is no boss to demean your position and make you feel replaceable. 
All because you took charge of your life. Chose yourself and made the change you’ve repeatedly said you needed. You sought out the answer to your question or how to begin. By joining Otero Investors Group LLC you were given the tools to succeed, the support to fall back on that you still have today. You’ve increased your income nearly tenfold and are living the life you’ve always dreamed because of your drive to succeed. 

The Troublemaker

He survived. He made it through the unthinkable. Adam was set to return to work after the shutdown. He spent long, grueling months doing odd remote jobs to make ends meet. He was looking forward to making a steady income again.
However, an unexpected email prompted a devastating Zoom call. His position had been dissolved. All to save money and recoup what they’d lost in the pandemic.  
Adam’s coworker, Bailey, who long ago decided she wasn’t returning, clued Bailey to the Facebook group she joined to learn how to safely invest and grow her income. In just a few months, Bailey was making three times her income thanks to Otero Investors Group LLC. 

The Wakeup Call

Adam ended the Zoom call, feeling as if he’d been punched in the solar plexus. He’d been terminated, laid off, fired, let go, whatever he wanted to call it, he was no longer employed. As if he didn’t have enough stress struggling to make rent, what was he to do now?
Business suffered during the shutdown and if they were strong enough to reopen there were bound to be some cut in cost or increase in service prices to begin recouping what was lost. However, Adam could safely say that he did not see his position on the chopping block.
One of the jobs he’d taken was writing for a finance blog. He supposed he could see if they would take him on for other projects. Until a conversation with a former coworker redirected his consideration. Rather than write about investing, he would actually invest. Otero Investors Group LLC welcomed him with open arms, teaching him how to approach investing from scratch. 


Maybe you feel stuck in your current situation–drowning in debt, living paycheck to paycheck. No matter how much you try to get ahead, you seem to take two steps back…
Maybe you feel unsupported – money is such a personal thing, not everyone is in the same financial situation. 
Maybe you sometimes feel like giving up and taking out a consolidated loan because there seems no other way to get out. 
Maybe you have no idea where to go or what route to take to properly learn about money.
If you can relate to at least one of these, know that there is a solution without you filing for bankruptcy or taking out a loan that will kill your credit score…
With Otero Investors Group LLC, there is salvation to get out of debt without hurting your score. Properly learn about money, the methods of money, how to invest, and breathe with financial freedom. 


Stop spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on investment programs that don’t work. 
Stop investing in scam companies and programs that will easily take your money, but give you the runaround to getting it back.
Many investment groups out there are just a bunch of inflated egos boasting about how well they’re doing. There’s very little education attached to it. When it comes to money, everyone out there is looking to make a quick dollar..
Are You Ready To:
Learn how to invest your money properly.
Learn the stocks to look for in order to make the most money.
Increase your confidence when you invest.
Create a portfolio you can be proud of while taking the steps to achieving financial freedom…



Landing Page

Boring Finance Explanations are in the Past!
Learn Finance in an Explosive and Educational Way!
Join My Free Live Mini-Course 02/06 - 02/10
Name Email
<<Sign Up Now>>
We Need To Bring Energy to the Table!
Talking about money can be a powerful, fiery tool that can take you from the person who lives paycheck to paycheck to someone financially free! 
If you:
Want to learn about finance, investing, stocks, trading, and metals
Come with passion in your veins, and aren’t sure where to start
If you have somewhat of an idea and need more of a grounded direction!
You are absolutely in the right place! 
“Dan was very patient with me through the process of first taking the time to understand where I was with financial understanding of the markets, both domestic and international–including wealth principles that are suppressed and necessary. This is the value I received, not just some stuff a college course can try and teach but practical advice that has reaped many rewards for me.”
-Brian Danoski, Member
Come bring your energy and sign up today for my LIVE FREE Investment Mini-Course: The Otero Method.
Name Email
<<Sign Up Now>>

Day 0 Autoresponder Email

Campaign Snapshot
ContextDay 0 Autoresponder
Indoctrination Sequence (3 Day Sequence) 
Sales Campaign (6 Day Sequence)
AudienceNew leads via landing page
Timing1 email every 3-4 days.  
Schedule10 Day Sequence (10 emails)
Primary Goal: Deliver free item
Secondary Goal: Get users to engage
Angle: deliver value & generate interest for future content/benefits. Encourage engagement so prospect won’t miss future emails.
Send: immediately after signup/registration
Meta Description: Welcome!
Subject Line Options
Welcome, [Name]!
Welcome to the Investors Renaissance
Get Ready to Enter the Realm of Finance
Financial Freedom is So Close, [Name]
Body Copy:
Greetings, [Name]!
Congratulations on signing up for The Otero Method! This mini-course is just one of the many wonderful benefits of being part of Otero Investors Group LLC. 
You might be feeling frustrated, [Name], regarding the numerous investment programs out there. 
Maybe even feeling fed up and disgusted with all the hoops you’re jumping through to only make a penny. 
You want a direction, a path to follow with some concrete evidence. Sometimes we just need things spelled out. You want the value you paid into, [Name]. And I most certainly don’t blame you. 
Because I’m not about jumping through hoops to find a solution. 
This I will tell you, [Name]. We have to start somewhere, and it will take work to get the results you want. But, you already know that – You’re here and ready to put some muscle in. Anything worth having is something you earn. 
I also bet you’re wondering, who is this guy to tell me this? Allow me to introduce myself!
My name is Dan Otero. Finance was once a foreign entity to me. I knew to make money, save it, and pay bills. But it wasn’t enough. Money doesn’t really grow the way we want it to in a savings account. And after hitting rock bottom in my own finances between a chokehold of student debt and bills I was fed up with myself and not knowing better. 
So, I got my hands on everything I could. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The 10X Rule, Gorilla Mindset, listened to numerous podcasts, including Stock Broker Peter Schiff’s The Peter Schiff Show, Ricky Guitirrez’s day trading course, partook in Dan Lok University, and earned a certificate in Finance Education from Ashworth College. I started my foundation, the building blocks to where I want to be in life. 
And now I want to combine all of that wealth of knowledge, [Name], and share it with you. 
From 02/06 - 02/10, we’ll spend together learning mindset shifting and the beginning fundamentals of finance. 
02/06 10am - 11am EST Intro to Finance
02/07 10am - 11am EST Intro to Emotional Wealth: Your Mindset
02/08 10am - 11am EST From Concerned to Confident: Shift Your Mindset
02/09 10am - 11am EST Intro to Investing: The Way of the Coin
02/10 10am - 11am EST Investment Applications 
Every day will have something new to explore, and always with room to recap and Q&A. I encourage healthy debate and discussions because that is how we grow. 
PLUS! Indulge in all of the downloadable content that will come with our Mini-Course, [Name]. Keep an eye out for those, as I’ll be sending them throughout the week. 
As a matter of fact, please be sure to whitelist oteroinvestorsgroupllc@gmail.com so you don’t ever miss an update from me! 
To whitelist, just add us to your contact list! 
In each email, there will be a link to our Zoom calls, but here it is in case you want to bookmark it! 
And don’t worry if you can’t make a session, they will be recorded and uploaded for your convenience later!
I’m looking forward to the adventure ahead, [Name]! 
See You Soon!
Dan Otero
P.S. For all additional content, be sure to follow us on FaceBook and Instagram! 

Indoctrination Emails

Campaign Snapshot
ContextDay 0 Autoresponder
Indoctrination Sequence (3 Day Sequence) 
Sales Campaign (6 Day Sequence)
AudienceNew leads via landing page
Timing1 email every 2-3 days.  
Schedule10 Day Sequence (10 emails)
Email 1
Primary Goal: To build rapport
Secondary Goal: consume free content
Angle: empathize with prospect by addressing their pain while offering benefits of being part of the community.
Send: 02/05/23
Meta Description: Prepare
Subject Line Options:
Get Ready, [Name]
Finance Education at Your Fingertips
Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy, [Name]
Day 1 is Tomorrow, [Name]
Body Copy:
Good morning, [Name]!
Are you ready for a week packed with knowledge? I know I am!
Get ready to shift your mindset from “I can’t” to “I can”. 
Build your vault of emotional wealth to prepare for your financial freedom.
Learn the different ways to invest. 
Get yourself something to write with and write on, because when I say a vault of information–I mean it. 
The pieces will start to click.
Things perhaps unclear before will begin to make sense.
And you’ll feel that shift from unknowing to positively knowing. 
It all starts with us, [Name]. Our passion, our ambition, our desire to better ourselves. These are the first steps towards progress. 
And people will start to notice a change in you. Because happiness is infectious. The room lights up differently, people react differently to you when you’re happier and feel more confident. 
You’ll see. And I want to know all about it throughout the course!
Progress unfolding.
Mindset blossoming.
Investments growing.
You are thriving.
Whitelist Otero Investors Group LLC by adding us to your contact list!
Follow us on social media!
All of our Mini-Courses will take place via Zoom.
Have something to write with and on!
Be yourself!
Can’t wait for tomorrow!
Email 2
Primary Goal: engagement and connection
Secondary Goal: Consume free content
Angle: Share brand’s personal story and mission. Empathize community – you want to make them feel like they belong and are part of the story. 
Send: 02/08/23
Meta Description: Progress
Subject Line Options:
Progress is Worth Everything, [Name]
Enjoying the Course So Far, [Name]?
What You’ve Gotten Yourself Into, [Name]
Passion, Progress, Never Perfection
Body Copy:
Good morning, [Name]!
Hope you’re enjoying the course thus far! Energy is so important in a group…and it crackled. Crackling energy at its finest. I could not be happier to hear all of your stories and get to know all of you. 
Thank you for being so upfront about your challenges and your goals! 
Now that we’ve addressed the areas of concern, we can begin shifting them and turning them into ones of success. 
No, it’s never too late.
Yes, there is still time to learn. 
In fact, I’m going to throw in a bonus worksheet on Manifesting a Glowing Mindset for Investors and really, this can be applied everyday to tackle your challenges head on. How to annihilate those bad days. Because more often than not? It’s a bad five minutes that generates into the remainder of your day. 
Honestly, I am so glad you’re here, [Name]. I remember when all I wanted to do was talk to people about what I’d learned. And guess what? No one wanted to listen. No one was interested in talking about finance.
My wife says it’s because finance is such a personal thing and many people are embarrassed about their finances. That they weren’t ready and to give it time. 
To be honest? I was impatient. And maybe at the time I was looking at it through the wrong lens. 
I needed to stop pursuing and instead take a different turn. Lay everything out on the table, and those hungry would stop to eat. 
Are you hungry, [Name]? 
Are you craving a change in your life?
Are you starving to take initiative somewhere where you’re understood?
Me too. 
You are absolutely where you need to be. 
Today, we conquer the mind!
Tomorrow, the finance!!
See you on Zoom!
Email 3
Primary Goal: Educate
Secondary Goal: Sale
Angle: Bring prospect from problem aware to solution aware, pivoting to sale in a subtle and cool way. Good time to add some social proof from a community perspective like a case study or story. 
Send: 02/10/23
Meta Description: Why Investing in Yourself is So Important
Subject Line Options:
Prepare to Honor Yourself, [Name]
Trust Yourself To Make The Right Choice.
Invest in Yourself For a Better Tomorrow, [Name]
Make a Promise to Yourself
Body Copy:
Good afternoon, [Name]
I know what I said about there being no emotion in finance, but that last session was overwhelming in the best way. You all moved me with your stories, your progress, I loved hearing how this course has changed you and how you’ve applied my mindset shifts into practice! 
Think about it, you accomplished all of that in just a matter of days, [Name].
Imagine what else you are capable of?
One of the main fundamentals of investing is investing in yourself first. We all start somewhere, and that often begins with the decision to choose you over everything else.
That’s right, choosing you
Because you’re worth it. 
You choose to do it for someone else, and then you have a falling out with the person you did it for, and then what? You give up.
It’s all a formula, [Name].
But by choosing to do it for yourself, you always have you to fall back on. Now, that doesn’t mean that you have to do it all by yourself. No, there’s a difference. Having support in your corner has to be one of the most powerful things to exist. 
And that was why I started Otero Investors Group, LLC. 
I wanted individuals who chose themselves, who wanted to better themselves, to thrive together in an exclusive community to succeed. 
My Mini-Course was just a sample of what’s to come, [Name]. A fraction of the pie graph. 
I want to invite you to come aboard and partake in a piece of that pie graph. Learn to invest, soak in that energy, add to it with your own successes, and explore exactly what you’re capable of.
Interested? Check out my website: Oteroinvestorsgroupllc.carrd.co to learn more. 
Just know one thing? I am so proud of you for how far you’ve come in just the short time we’ve known one another. 
Failure is a stepping stone to success.
Success was not built in a day.
And I created a group where you’ll feel okay to fall down and get back up stronger.
Hope to see you soon, [Name]!

Sales Emails

Campaign Snapshot
ContextDay 0 Autoresponder
Indoctrination Sequence (3 Day Sequence) 
Sales Campaign (6 Day Sequence)
AudienceNew leads via landing page
Timing1 email every 3-4 days.  
Schedule10 Day Sequence (10 emails)
Eager Beaver [Introduce/invite]
Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Awareness
Angle: Announcement that Doors are Open, introduce product
Send: 02/14/23
Meta Description: business is open
Subject Line Options:
Our Doors Are Open, [Name]!
Are You Ready, [Name]?
Let it Grow! Let it Grow! 
Opportunity is Calling, [Name]
Body Copy:
Hey, [Name]!
First, you learned about mindset and shifting that focus into an investment-ready one. And you gained an appetizer of info about the foundation and fundamentals of investing. But that wasn’t enough, was it?
A nugget of gold isn’t exactly the same as an entire gold bar, am I right?
Why should learning be any different? You don’t get the full, complete effect from a taste test. 
That doesn’t satisfy anything…
Which is why I’m announcing that the doors to Otero Investors Group LLC are open, [Name]~! We are an exclusive group of individuals who wish to learn investing and to get the most out of the experience. 
I want to give you that opportunity to be a part of that. To really give your money an opportunity to grow. 
We are all about participation. This is not the kind of group where one person brags while the rest can’t relate. That doesn’t say group to me. 
Yes, we celebrate your successes and nurture the failures. And failures are nothing to feel ashamed of, which I know is a big turnoff. Failure means lost money. But we can turn that failure into a learning experience to gear you towards more positive wins. 
That being said, this is the month of love. Love for yourself. Love for money. 
Because you participated in my Mini-Course, I wanted to extend a deal with you today, [Name]. 
Unlike many groups that rely on fees and dues, I don’t require those. 
The startup to anything is always the most costly. $100 will be your placeholder in the group. But, I will never see a dime of it. This is $100 you’re setting aside for yourself to invest with. It’s part of financial planning and planning your purchases, [Name]. 
Now, you’re more than welcome to invest more into the program. But I ask for the minimum of $100 because it’s a tangible amount to work with. You could buy a handful of smaller stocks with it, apply it to the cost of any precious metals you find along the way. Anything. 
This offer will expire 02/28. 
Trust me, [Name], you’re worth the investment in yourself. And you’ll never have to worry because you won’t go into it by yourself. It’s honestly the easiest win-win. 
If you’re interested in having a team rally around you, to have fun learning, exploring, and investing, then please check out my website to learn more. 
This is the best you’re going to feel about yourself, [Name]. 
All the best,
P.S. Did I mention earlier that when you sign up you get special access to my YouTube channel for members only? It’s called: Finance Dan Has A Plan. Click here to watch my first few episodes!
Bennies [Get results]
Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Interest
Angle: Share the benefits of what product can do for prospect
Send: 02/16
Meta Description: What Choosing Yourself Really Means
Subject Line Options
The Time For Change is Now, [Name]
Choosing Yourself is Not Selfish.
You Have a Choice, [Name]...
We Only Get One Life, [Name]...
Body Copy:
Good morning, [Name]!
So tell me! How are things?? How are your investments going? 
Do you remember the email I last sent you about my Investment Group being opened to new members? There’s still time to join and become part of the group!
But I’m sure I’ve left you scratching your head wondering just what the hell I meant, [Name]. I implore a moment of your time to explain what I mean by being a part of the group: 
I’m not one of those creepy scammers who phones you claiming to be a government official looking for your money. You know the kind – “You owe X amount to the IRS and can pay it back by purchasing gift cards!” 
I don’t promise you a quick return. Instead, redirect the focus on how you can grow and best navigate an unpredictable market. 
I understand the concern regarding layoffs, market inflation, and inflation. Together, we’ll discover coping mechanisms to allay those fears. 
Carefully, we’ll research each investment. No urgency to lock you in before you had an opportunity to research on your own or even know what’s going on.
There are no hidden fees. The $100 min. is all that’s required.
I will never promise you that anything is risk-free. There is no such thing. Investment in itself is a risk. But it’s better you go in there knowing that than me promising you the world.
No cancellation or withdrawal fee. 
Creating healthy money management. 
And that’s just the shallow end of it, [Name]. The world of investing goes much deeper than that, that’s what I love so much about it!
Granted, this should spread a little more clarity for you. I’m here to help navigate, to have us all on the same page, celebrate wins, and work through those rougher times. Because they do happen, but that doesn’t mean we need to go through it alone. 
Another thing, financial issues are a major benefactor of depression. Mental distress is a very real thing. Because money issues make a person unhappy – they’re not happy in their situation, they want to make more money to live the life they want… Let’s put endorphins back in check!
If you’re interested, please visit my website, Otero Investors Group LLC. And! For sticking with me for this long, here is a downloadable investment tracker! 
Get My Free Downloadable Investment Tracker
All the best,
P.S. Not interested in being part of the investors group? Click here to unsubscribe
Incentive & Scarcity [Now, not later]
Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Desire
Angle: Why they want to order now and not later.
Send: 02/18
Meta Description: Feels Like Early Access
Subject Line Options
Feels Like Early Access, [Name]
The Early Investor Catches the Win, [Name]
Are You An Early Riser, [Name]?
The Later You Wait, The Longer It Feels
Body Copy:
Good morning, [Name],
Did you happen to catch my latest episode of Finance Dan Has A Plan? No? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you all about it here.
Before my wife and I moved down to Florida, I received a call. It was a time where I was vulnerable, just learning about investment myself. I was paying off a lot of my debt in chunks at a time, so things felt rocky. The call claimed I owed a substantial amount of money. Oh, they really played into it, [Name]. They threatened getting the police involved if I didn’t cooperate.
What did they want?
$5,000 in Best Buy gift cards. 
I was so far into my own situation that I panicked. How much more could I owe?? I was on a good stream of paying everything off. A part of me didn’t want to risk missing something else. 
Until I realized that no official anything demands a payment in gift cards. They don’t insist on staying on the phone with you until you’ve obtained them. 
And no credit card will allow you to make a purchase like that, no matter how you break it up. 
Nothing happened. Police never got involved. Nothing came in the mail looking to garnish my wages. 
The scammers never got their money.
And a situation like this is something we’ll definitely talk about in the group, [Name]. The difference between legitimacy and scams. People nowadays are looking for any way to make a quick dollar. 
And early understanding is half the battle. 
By joining Otero Investors Group LLC, you’ll discover all of this and more. But remember, this offer won’t last soon, [Name]. 
Doors close 02/28. 
Register now and secure your seat at the Investors Table. 
See you soon!
P.S. Uninterested? Click here to unsubscribe
Social Proof & Authority [Inspire]
Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Inspire
Angle: Communicate results others are having with the product.
Send: 02/20
Meta Description: Happy Members!
Subject Line Options
You Know the Saying, “Happy Wife, Happy Life” [Name]?
Happiness is Financial Freedom
Happiness is Personal Investment
I Love Making Members Happy, [Name]
Could This Be You, [Name]?
Body Copy:
Good morning, [Name]!
I want to introduce you to my wife, Concetta. She has always been my biggest supporter, but can also be my biggest critic – and vice versa!
Finances are a huge topic between couples. They’re also the reason why many relationships and marriages eventually come to a close. Fortunately, that hasn’t been the case for us!
My wife tried helping her family out financially. The end result was, she wound up amassed in over $10,000 credit card debt. She took out a consolidated loan which took a substantial hit on her credit score and dropped it down into the 500s. 
She had one credit card to her name with a $500 limit from the same bank she took the loan from. 
“I felt like I was drowning,” Concetta said. “I honestly didn’t know what else to do. On the one hand, I was glad that all the credit cards were gone and could no longer be used. On the other, I wondered how I’d recover and rebuild my credit score.”
For 20 year olds in this generation, the idea of money and inflation is scary, right? Concetta felt like she’d been through the ringer with hidden fees in credit cards to now venturing into this consolidated loan. Not that anything she’d been through was uncommon.
But my wife was right, finances are a very personal thing. Really puts the Personal in Personal Finance. 
And really places things in perspective. 
Before I even knew better about money, we set up our own payment plan, broke down her weekly paycheck, and hammered down the loan in chunks without leaving her to feel like she was drowning. And as I developed my knowledge and skills, she followed my lead and placed her trust in me to help her see it through. 
“We paid the loan off early! My credit score is now in the 800s and I have a healthy number of credit cards,” Concetta said. “I had to place my trust in someone. And not because you’re my partner, but you knew exactly what I needed when it came to my finances…and now it feels like I can breathe.”
Can that be you next, [Name]? 
Can I help you?
Remember, doors close in 8 days, [Name]. If you’re interested, check out Otero Investors Group LLC
Till next time!
Overcoming Objections [Trust-Building]
Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Identify and disarm objections conversationally. Deeper desire.
Angle: Engage prospects off the fence by giving them the tools and knowledge to overcome doubt. 
Send: 02/22
Meta Description: Put those doubts to bed. 
Subject Line Options
Have Doubts? We All Do.
Will Doubt Keep You From Pursuing?
Doubt is Another Form of Self-Sabotage, [Name]
Don’t Corner Yourself with Doubt
Body Copy: 
Good morning, [Name]!
As we near the closing of our doors in a few days, I had a thought… how self-sabotage is a life ruiner. 
If we place fear on the front burner, we’re always going to be afraid to pursue.
The risk will always be too great.
It will never be the right moment
Will pleasure, for you, sit on the back burner in favor of safety? Because I all too well understand the risk that comes with investing. But I would rather take that leap of faith than solely rely on an empire that no longer offers job security. 
Seriously, any day now, you can be terminated for whatever reason in a job you thought you were doing well in. 
Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity and the knowledge to build our own. 
Create your own job. 
Establish your own security.
Bask in the work-life balance you’ve always dreamed of.
Because if you can’t find it, you can always create it. Don’t ever let anyone tell you any different. You just need the tools and the knowhow to do it, with the support staff rallying behind you.
And that’s where I come in. 
So what do you say, [Name]? 
What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of life do you want to live? 
Click here to take that leap of faith. 
All the best,
P.S. No longer interested in receiving emails from Otero Investors Group LLC? Unsubscribe here
Last Chance [Entice]
Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Sale
Angle: Last & Final chance.
Send: 02/28/22
Meta Description: Doors close today.
Subject Line Options
Doors Close Today, [Name]
I Have My Hand Out to You, Will You Take it?
Do You Trust Me, [Name]?
You Do Not Want to Miss This Chance, [Name].
Body Copy:Good morning, [Name]!
As Frank Sinatra once sang, “And now, the end is near… And so I face my final curtain…” 
The doors to my investors group do have a closing date. Sadly, they will at 11:59 this evening. So, I’m reaching out to offer this last chance to join. 
My doors won’t open again until next year. And I would hate for you to be one year behind on your goals, [Name]. 
You have the option to turn me down and go with someone else, invest in that book, listen to that podcast, or watch that YouTube channel that gives you a rough estimate on how to approach things. 
But you won’t get that real time energy crackle. Not like the way you did when we were together in my Mini-Course. That energy honestly makes the difference in a person’s drive. Being surrounded by supportive people is so much different than trying to learn on your own. 
And, [Name], you already have the drive! The energy to thrive! 
Not everyone has that, and it certainly should not go to waste. 
But, as always, the option is yours. I’ll leave my link to Otero Investors Group LLC, along with more downloadable goodies to kickstart you on your path – because I meant what I said about wanting you to succeed. 
My Year Goal Template
Investment 101
Money Strategies for the Fulltimer 
Always feel free to tune into Finance Dan With A Plan for helpful investment tips, and even join in for the Q&A days!
I’ll leave you with these final words, [Name]. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be part of your journey for the short time we’ve known one another. Best of luck on your Investment Expressway, and hopefully we cross paths again!
All the best,
P.S. Not feeling these emails? That’s okay! Unsubscribe!

Sales Page

Take Your Two Cents
Learn How to Make them Grow with a Group Who Cares
Join Otero Investors Group LLC!
The Requirement They Don’t Teach In School
In school, they taught us equations that wouldn’t apply to us unless we were pursuing degrees to become math teachers. Formulas we’d never again see, would never be of use to us. 
Didn’t they also say we had to learn said equations because we’d never have a calculator on our persons? 
Well, they were wrong.
They were also wrong for not teaching us valuable elements such as balancing a checkbook and learning about our finances. Perhaps electives we can take in college, but not a Gen. Ed. requirement. 
And that’s become problematic. Because there are so many individuals out there who don’t know the first thing about finance, stocks, metals, investing, where they can safely put their money and help it grow. 
I’m No Gardener, But…
Finances are a lot like gardening. You need the right combination of water and fertilizer to help your plants grow – the same rules apply with money. Bad financial advice is like dehydration to your money garden, it’ll dry up your assets quicker than you can blink. 
Having a supportive group of like minded individuals can be the difference between a thriving investment and an empty piggy bank. Those with hungry mindsets can greatly benefit when everyone is there for one another, and there is nothing more satisfying than a successful investment. 
Such a Group Exists…
I have created such a group because I grew tired of the get rich quick schemes, the people who only wanted to talk about their successes and nothing more. Something more than a bragging post. And since I couldn’t find it, I decided to create it! 
Hi, I’m Dan!
I knew very little about money. I aspired towards my Masters in Education to become a Biology teacher – after I hit rock bottom in my finances, drowning in debt, not being invited back into the program because of my GPA… It made me wonder if teaching was any longer in my biology. 
I knew I had to resurface and take a breath of air. To escape from this minute rat race of dollar signs and debt collectors on my case, I started learning about money. Really investing in myself to be educated in such a way that school wasn’t going to teach me. 
I studied from mentors such as Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki, 10X Grant Cardone, participated in Ricky Gutirrez’s day trading course, and earned my certificate in Finance education from Ashworth College. I talked to the tellers at the bank, taking pleasure in the dialogue we created. 
What I was beginning to learn, I was certain others would want to know. I couldn’t be alone in my schooling or my financial situation. And if that was the case, I didn’t want others to feel alone…
Welcome to Otero Investors Group LLC! 
An exclusive networking platform for investors and potential investors to congregate where we celebrate victories and learning experiences to help everyone get a leg-up on the competition. We are here to educate, to motivate, and to create a life you will love living.  
By signing up, you’ll receive access to the private Facebook Group where I’ll share my knowledge of stocks, and provide tips and tricks to get you on the right path. 
“Dan Otero knows his finances. I had to take a consolidated loan for my credit cards, which effectively hit my Credit Score. Anyone who has ever been in that situation knows how scary and unnerving it is! Dan not only helped me rebuild my credit, assisted me on which credit cards to obtain, and helped rebuild my credit score well above 800. Beginners will truly benefit from Dan’s knowledge of finance. His passion beams in every discussion!”
-Concetta Guido. 
When You Become a Member of Otero Investors Group, We’ll: 
Learn the difference between Personal, Corporate, and Public Finance to determine which route you’d prefer to take.
Learn about interest rates and yields, profits, dividends, creating value, generating cash flow, and more!
Discuss the forms of passive income, and where you can go to grow it.
Talk about the variants of Finance Careers at your disposal, including (but never limited to): Banks, Institutions, Public Accounting, and Corporates. 
Explore the different types of financial models. 
“Dan’s principles are basic yet profound and he’s just simply done his research. Dan knows how to help. My financial intelligence has increased tremendously and I very much see that in my life now.”
-Brian Danoski, Member
The True Bang for Your Buck
I’m sure everywhere you turn, someone is looking for a fee or a due to help keep the groups rolling, right? Not this group! There are no dues to pay, just come with the money in your own pocket, and thrive on the knowledge that’s in store for you. 
Our Values Are Clear
Education and exploration should not cost you a fortune. School did enough damage with hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt. I put together the group I always wanted, to Educate, Encourage, Enhance Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Intuition. 
But Dan, This Sounds Too Good To Be True!
I always believed that if it was too good to be true, it more than likely was. If I absolutely had to place a dollar value on it, I ask you to come with a goal in mind of how much you want to make – whether that be per month or per year. Join us with $100 in your account to put towards an investment of your choice. Watch it grow from there! 
We Are More Than A Group
Support is our main driving point. And I worked in jobs where they don’t give you the tools to work with and expect production and growth. How? I just don’t see how. Not me. Not here. I believe in giving all of our Potential Investors the tools to work with in worksheets, templates, spreadsheets, and logs to help you along your way!
My Doors Are Open For A Limited Time
The doors to my group will close on 02/28. As I prepare the group for fun videos, activities, challenges, discussion boards, and informative opportunities. 
Because Not Everything is Meant to Last 
We want to give every Potential Investor the opportunity to grow. Kick off the new year for those serious to thrive. 
Interested? Let’s Dive In!
When you’re ready, just sign up. Create your investor’s portfolio, sign up with your $100 investor’s placeholder with our safe and secure checkout. And await your confirmation email!
So simple!
My Promise To You
Your $100 placeholder will be your confirmation into the investor’s group. Your $100 is yours, we will never see it. And if you are not happy in the group for whatever reason, feel free to cancel at any time at no cost to you. Your $100 will be returned into your account, and you’re free to explore your next great investment. Keep any of our downloadable content! Hopefully it will help you down the line!
<<Join Otero Investors Group Today!>>
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Posted Oct 31, 2023

Mr. Otero wanted to flesh out his Finance Company. Together, we built his brand, logo, & guide, followed by a complete sales funnel.






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Otero Investors Seminar Landing Page
Otero Investors Seminar Landing Page
Mira Pa Lante Running Crew Sales Page
Mira Pa Lante Running Crew Sales Page
Notes to Novel - Complete Sales Funnel
Notes to Novel - Complete Sales Funnel