Notes to Novel - Complete Sales Funnel

Conni Guido



Google Docs

**The following funnel was written as part of a portfolio for Season 5 of The Copy Posse Launch Pad. I was not hired to write these assets. I participated in their A-Lister Program and wrote these assets on behalf of that.

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If Your Writing Reads Like How You Speak…

Perhaps Your Writing’s Mission is…Description!

Join Me for My FREE Show, Don’t Tell LIVE Workshop

A Writer’s Mission: Description!

When Writing Is Lacking…

What You’ll Learn in A Writer’s Mission: Description: 

Hi! I’m Savannah!

Don’t Lose Readers Over This…

Notes to Novel Campaign Snapshot


Indoctrination Sequence

Email 1

Email 2

Email 3

Sales Sequence

Email 1

Email 2

Email 3

Email 4

Email 5

Email 6

Sales Page

Are You Near Scratching Out Your Dream to Write That Story?

Make that Dream a Reality with Notes to Novel!

An 8-Week Live Course That Will Have You Falling in Love With Your Words

It’s Been A Struggle…I Know…

And 97% Give Up

On the Flipside of This, There is a Way Into the Seemingly Exclusive 3%...

Hi! I’m Savannah! 

In Order to Write That Great Novel, You’ll Need The Right Tools!

With Notes to Novel You Can Expect To…

Yes, There Are Others Out There…

Learning to Write That Novel of Your Dreams Shouldn’t Cost You An Insane Amount…

In Addition, I’m Offering These Surefire Bonuses That No Writer Should Be Without!

Don’t Put Off Your Writing Dreams for Another Year…

All You Need To Know!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee 

Everything You Get When You Invest in You and Your Writing Today!

Don’t Say No To Yourself Any Longer

Questions? I’ve Got Answers!

You Have What It Takes To Write Your Book…All You Have to Do is Believe You Can…And I Can’t Wait to Be There Every Chapter!

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Ad Title:
Bland Writing is the NEW Writer’s Horror
Take my FREE live two-hour workshop to avoid slipping into the wrong genre. 
Ad Text: 
Every time I’d hand my pages over to friends, the first thing I would do is watch their faces. I’d gauge their reactions to my scenes, to see if they were as impactful as they were in my head. 
I was looking for raised eyebrows, the excitement of parted lips. I had something, I knew I had something because these were scenes my mind would not let go of. I’d go to sleep dreaming of them, where they played out so vividly in my head. 
Only, I was met with eyebrows knitted together before they were handed back to me. 
“It’s missing something,” they’d say. “Okay, Quinn broke up with Margot. And? I won’t lie to you…I didn’t feel Margot’s pain.”
And I know they weren’t being cruel. After all, I put my pages in the hands of avid readers. 
As writers, I know our job is to give the readers a reason to care. A reason to root for our characters. Somewhere I had failed…and wondered if there was a way to fix this so that my avid reader friends cared about Margot’s pain.
I’d sit at the desk, straining my eyes and my brain at the text – willing for something to happen. In my searches for an answer, everyone on the internet seemed to have a different opinion, conflicting statements, roundabout responses…
I was starting to feel overwhelmed – like I should just scrap it and throw this set of pages into the pile, like every other idea that failed before it. 
Until I found a workshop that changed everything.
Pulled me right out of that pinnacle of despair and had me fishing back into the rejection pile for those pages to add what had been missing. I didn’t have to redo anything, my scene fleshed out before my eyes and even I felt Margot’s pain. 
The reaction in my friends’ eyes were of widened expressions, lips parted as their gazes became glassy. They cared about Margot. They wanted to know more…and were even intrigued about Quinn’s reasoning. 
And I became further inspired to work on what comes next. 
If this sounds like you and your writing, you’re not alone.
This FREE live Show, Don’t Tell workshop on June 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT will help you fill in those missing gaps with step-by-step features, worksheets, and an exercise that will make your writing’s mission one of description.
Click on the link to learn more!
[insert link to workshop]
CTA: Sign Me Up!

Advertisement 2

Ad Title:
Writing The Way You Speak?
Ad Description:
Spruce up your writing with a FREE Show, Don’t Tell workshop!
Ad Text: 
You’ve just reached chapter 5 in your novel, and you couldn’t be happier! 
You think pantsing/winging it is the way to go. The Main Character is taking the lead. You’re on a quest together, feeling what the character feels. 
You’re excited? Okay, they’re excited!
“And Peter was so excited to take the path less traveled, believing he would make a difference and reach the dragon first.” 
You’re frustrated? Okay, they’re frustrated!
“Peter was then frustrated because nothing was there at the end of the path. No tower! Not even a hint. Now he wouldn’t beat Sir Remy and win the hand of the princess.”
The scenes come to you as your fingers puncture the keyboard. You can’t get the words out quick enough.
“There was a vast forest ahead of Peter. He would have to travel further…”
Taking the advice of articles you’ve read, you decide to read the chapters back to yourself. They’re short – 500 words. 
You could have sworn they felt longer. 
Blinking, you scroll up and down the document and in a panic, call up a friend. Reading the chapters back to your friend, there’s a pause before they ask, “Are you telling me this? Or is this what you wrote?”
Okay…that was not supposed to happen. 
Don’t let this happen to you! If you can relate to this scenario, sign up now and join me on June 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT for my Show, Don’t Tell live workshop where we’ll transform everything you’re telling into descriptive scenes that will have Peter slaying that dragon in style. 
[insert link here]
CTA: Sign Up Now

Advertisement 3

Ad Title:
Do Not Miss How to Avoid Your Work From Falling into DNR…
Ad Description:
Join my FREE Show, Don’t Tell two-hour live course and learn how this crucial element that’ll make your reader unable to put your work down. 
Ad Text:
Expressionless characters that became faceless without a certain something
Flavorless scenes that have readers putting down your work.
Bland telling paragraphs that don’t engage your reader. And your story becomes just another Did Not Read. 
And DNR is something no writer wants. It’s a writer’s nightmare. 
He said. 
She said.
But what about the in between? 
Chessy went to the store and ran into Brad. They haven’t seen one another since their college graduation. They had a conversation in the produce aisle. Brad left when his wife called and Chessy was sad. 
If your writing looks like this, this two-hour workshop can help you answer the following:
What was Chessy getting at the store?
Were Chessy and Brad excited to see one another?
What did the produce aisle smell like?
Why was Chessy sad when Brad left?
We’ll answer these questions and more on June 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT to add more flavor to this scene!
Click here to learn more!
[insert link to landing page]
Click to Learn More!

Advertisement 4

Ad Title:
What Readers Want…
Ad Description:
Learn what and how to give it to them in my live two-hour writer’s workshop!
Ad Text:
We see it all over TikTok, #BookTok, #AuthorTok…
Readers who pour themselves into all sorts of genres, devouring page after page, investing in every book in a series... 
They annotate. Point out the quotes, sentences, and paragraphs that made them feel something. Words that stood out and massaged the brain just so that it evoked emotion. 
Readers feel and fall in love with certain characters. 
They long to go to particular written cities, or fabricated worlds that pull them out of whatever stressor or reality they’re currently facing. 
A writer has one job, and that’s to pull their reader in. 
Readers want to feel. 
When books fall short of that one particular nugget, it’s like releasing the pin that makes it fall apart. 
Want to learn what that one thing is? Click to learn more, and learn how to pull your readers in with Show, Don’t Tell on June 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT. 
[insert landing page link]
Click to learn more. 

Advertisement 5

Ad Title: 
Making Those Writing Minutes Count
Ad Description:
Discover how to make those 30-60 minutes a breeze with a Show, Don’t Tell two-hour live workshop.
Ad Text:
Most writers dream of living the life of locking themselves in a room for hours on end. Meals delivered to your door, tuned out from the outside world.
Writers used to rent rooms so they could focus on their craft. 
Sadly, today, we don’t have that luxury. We work full-time positions, have families to care for, dogs to walk, dinners to prepare. There are only so many hours in our day, and each one is precious. 
So many of us block off 30, maybe 60 minutes to chip away at our first draft. 
We need to make that time count. 
But oftentimes, it looks more like tapping pens against notebooks, trying to make the scene we’ve formulated to work out and translate from how vivid they were in our minds. 
What happens, though, when our imagination doesn’t translate onto the page?
Internal chaos. Existential crises that lead to unwanted, shortened chapters, and scenes falling short. 
Ultimately, it begs the feeling of abandoning your project. 
But that doesn’t have to be the case. 
Those 30-60 minutes could have a great flow and be equipped with the proper tools to help make your writing pop with fleshed out and detail-rich scenes. 
Help yourself save valuable time and maximize your writing potential by giving this Show, Don’t Tell workshop a chance!
And the best part? It’s completely free!
Click the link to learn more and how this can save you time and make a difference on June 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT.
[insert landing page link]
Learn More.

Landing Page

If Your Writing Reads Like How You Speak…

Perhaps Your Writing’s Mission is…Description!

Join Me for My FREE Show, Don’t Tell LIVE Workshop

A Writer’s Mission: Description!

<<I’m In For The Mission>>

When Writing Is Lacking…

Factual and bland writing often shows up as, “Miranda walked into the room and it was cold.” 
A statement void of detail, is brief, and doesn’t resonate with the reader. 
But don’t worry! Not all is lost if your writing looks like that. 
There’s a way to flavor it up and make the reader feel how cold the room was, rather than telling them. 
In Module 4 of my course, Notes to Novel, we touch upon Show, Don’t Tell and how to up the ante in your writing to bring it to its fullest potential. 
I’ve decided to offer this sample of my course as a live workshop that better helps writers on their mission to write the story of their dreams!
Get ready to enter summer the best way writers know how! 
On Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT via Zoom!

What You’ll Learn in A Writer’s Mission: Description

What telling in writing is.
What telling words are and how frequently to use them.
How to make your writing pop with the power of vivid description and evoking emotion that will make your reader feel they’re there.
How show, don’t tell encompasses ALL aspects of your writing.
How to find balance in your writing. 
Together, we’ll conduct an exercise on how to enhance a scene by taking it from telling to showing.
And at the end, there will be a live Q & A with me to ask all of your Show, Don’t Tell and writing-related questions! 
<<Sign Up Now>>
What Happy Writers Are Saying:

“I had a TON of ideas for a story but no idea what to do with them. I write fantasy so I usually get consumed in world-building or creating cool magic systems, but all that doesn't make a story. And it can actually get quite overwhelming. Savannah helped me cut through the noise and focus on what was most important in my story and I finished my first 100,000-word draft! So excited!" 

–Laura Michaels

Hi! I’m Savannah!

I am an accredited developmental editor and book coach, and also the host of the podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy. I started this journey because I wanted to learn how to write my own book. Yet…the more I delved into the art of storytelling, I absolutely fell in love with it. 
My mission is to help writers overcome the trials that I encountered. Because surely, if I was feeling it, others must have as well! I’m excited to assist you along this beautiful journey, starting a draft, finishing a draft, editing your manuscript, or embarking on the publishing process. Wherever you are, I’m there with you every step of the way!
With over five years of experience, I have supported hundreds of writers in finding their way in the novel writing process. So, I have seen it all! 

Don’t Lose Readers Over This…

Take your writing from factual to expressive by participating in my live workshop at NO COST to you on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT via Zoom. Bring your imagination, pens, paper, and something refreshing!
Name____________________________. Email______________________________
<<The Mission Calls Me!>>

Notes to Novel Campaign Snapshot

Context: Day 0 Autoresponder, Indoctrination, Sales Sequence
Audience: New Leads From Landing Page
Timing: Real-time emails 
Cadence: On select dates
7 Day Sequence/7 Day Registration
Landing Page Launch: 06/05/24
Workshop Launch: 06/12/24
Doors Open for Notes to Novel: 06/19/24
Doors Close for Notes to Novel: 06/26/24


Primary Goal: Welcome & Confirmation
Secondary Goal: Get whitelisted so future emails won’t go to spam.
Angle: Promote free workshop.
Send: Immediately after signing up.
Meta description: Thank you for signing up for the Show, Don’t Tell workshop. 
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: [Name], Welcome to Mission Description!
Subject Line B: Here’s What’s Stopping You, [Name], From Writing a Story That Tears Up the Page!
Subject Line C: [Name], Do You Accept The Mission?
Subject Line D: Writing That Killer Scene Is At Your Fingertips!
Body Copy
Welcome, [First Name]!
Thank you so much for signing up for A Writer’s Mission: Description!
By accepting the mission, you will develop your skill to spin all those bland telling words into a scene that flourishes with rich description.
And 100%, [First Name], I can help you get there!
Show, Don’t Tell is one of the most common problems that pesters writers. And while there is no right or wrong way to write that fantastic first draft of yours, readers now more than ever want to:
Immerse themselves into the world you’re creating.
Empathize and fall in love with your characters. 
Feel that pull that they are going on an emotional journey…
And one of the main ways to achieve that is by detail and description! I decided to offer this free live workshop to help writers achieve their goals of writing their book. Because I can tell you now, I’ve been where you are. The struggle is real. 
Having trouble translating those emotions and scenes into your work? I’ve got you!
Overwhelmed? Totally normal! 
We’ll spend time doing exercises that will evoke all kinds of emotions to get those creative juices flowing! 
[First Name], I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am that you’re here!
And of course, at the end, we'll have a Live Q & A for any questions from our time together. I want you to feel good with what you've accomplished when we depart.
[First Name], you’ve got this! 
Can’t wait to see you! And until my next email, if you’re interested, be sure to check out my public podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy! Where you can find many of my writer’s tips, and thoughts. Fiction Writing Made Easy can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.!
Or check out my blog
Stay tuned for the Zoom link that will provide access to our live workshop!
Looking forward to seeing you!
Savannah Gilbo
P.S. Whitelist Savannah Gilbo LLC by adding me to your contact list so you never miss an email!

Indoctrination Sequence

Email 1

Primary Goal: Rapport.
Secondary Goal: Consume the free content you’re providing.
Angle: Empathize with your prospect by addressing their pain while offering the benefits of being part of the community.
Send: Friday, June 07, 2024
Meta description: I understand the frustration of getting stuck… 
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: When the words just won’t come…
Subject Line B: When your writing tells more than it shows.
Subject Line C: [First Name], are you ready to give up on your writing?
Subject Line D: Believe me, I understand…
Body Copy
Hey, [First Name]!
There is nothing worse than feeling bogged down by what you’re writing – or worse, what you’re NOT writing. 
Am I right?
That frozen sensation of sitting at your desk, staring at the same sentence over and over again. You simply cannot think of ways to expand upon particular sentences:
Marybeth was upset over the loss of her glasses. 
Chessy wanted to find solace in Brad’s arms. 
How do you express solace? 
And it’s absolutely killing your productivity. 
It’s enough to make a writer want to give up if they can’t make it work. Because I’m sure you wonder, What’s the point? If you can’t figure it out. You have so many plans for this book that just won’t come together the way you want it to. 
And the last thing you want is to feel any form of disillusionment about writing. 
I’m here to tell you that you can figure it out. And you are more than capable of putting the pieces together! 
You’re receiving this email because you’re not ready to give up. You want to find that sweet spot solution that will just make it make sense. 
Together, we’re going to identify and conquer! 
Stay tuned to learn more!
We are less than a week away from your mission!
Till Next Time!
P.S. Whitelist Savannah Gilbo LLC by adding me to your contact list so you never miss an email!

Email 2

Primary Goal: Engagement and Connection
Secondary Goal: Consume the free content you’re providing.
Angle: Share the brand’s personal story and mission. Emphasize community – you want them to feel like they belong and are part of the story.
Send: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Meta description: Looking for a writing community where you feel you belong? Look no further!
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: My Mission Brings All The Writers To The Yard.
Subject Line B: [First Name], Are You Joining Me Tomorrow?
Subject Line C: Your Words Deserve This, [First Name]. 
Subject Line D: The Mission Is Tomorrow, [First Name]!
Body Copy
Hey, [First Name]!
I can’t believe our workshop is tomorrow!! 
Did you know that I wanted to write my own book? Yes! Just like you, I wanted to take readers on a fantastical journey they were going to fall in love with because I fell in love with it. 
Storytelling, and how to write a novel, sadly, is not something they teach you in school. I had to learn from the ground up on how to craft an outline, where to start, the art of storytelling, and push through the messy middle… 
Overcome the personal hurdles of mindset and so much more…
The more I embarked on this part of my journey, I became engrossed.
Then something hit me…
The difficulties I faced in my own journey, surely, other writers must have faced, that ultimately led them to give up on their ideas and their works. 
The abandoned first drafts.
Stories that could have been someone’s favorite that they’ll never get to read. 
Characters they’ll never get to know and connect with. 
Truthfully, [First Name], while that’s sad to think of, it’s true. 
I wanted to make a difference in the lives of writers. That’s why I became a developmental editor and book coach.
Writing a book isn’t so complex. Many writers become overwhelmed because they overthink and over complicate the process. 
My mission is to educate writers on how to edit and publish stories that they feel proud of without the doubt, frustration, and overwhelm that stops most in their tracks. 
My goal is to help every writer develop the confidence to share their message with the world. Because making the decision to put your mind, your thoughts, and your creativity to the page is one of the bravest things I know. And I want to encourage that, as well as celebrate it. 
That’s why I want to lead with kindness, and truthful feedback. With bravery, [First Name], comes facing some scary realities–sharing your work, for one. But worry not! That’s how we grow. And you’ll be among a community with like minded people who are there to share the same goal.  
And with all of this in mind and put into practice, I’ve helped hundreds of authors achieve their dreams. Bringing a little glimmer into this world that otherwise may not have been. 
That’s why I’m offering this free Show, Don’t Tell workshop, [First Name]. I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow and help bring all of your visions to the page exactly the way you pictured them. 
Here is the Zoom link for tomorrow’s workshop!
Can’t make it? No worries! The recording will be available for 72 hours after the workshop!
See you at 12:00PM PT!
P.S. Whitelist Savannah Gilbo LLC by adding me to your contact list so you never miss an email!

Email 3

Primary Goal: Educate
Secondary Goal: Sale
Angle: bring your prospect from problem aware to solution aware, pivoting the sale in a subtle and cool way. Add social proof. 
Send: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Meta description: If you liked A Writer’s Mission: Description, then you’ll love its origin course, Notes to Novel. 
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: Did You Catch Yesterday’s Live, [First Name]?
Subject Line B: If You Enjoyed Mission Description…
Subject Line C: Is There More, You Ask?
Subject Line D: Now That the Mission is Over…
Body Copy
Hi, [First Name]!
Did you have as much fun as I did???
That’s the goal–to learn a fantastic writing skill and have fun doing it!
By now, you know:
The difference between show vs. tell.
What telling words are and how frequently to use them.
How to balance your writing to not overwhelm the scene while embedding it with that rich, decadent description and emotions.
How Show, Don’t Tell encompasses ALL aspects of your writing. 
My favorite part? It was seeing all of your creativity come alive in the Show, Don’t Tell exercise! 
Hopefully now you feel a little more comfortable, and have begun to build confidence in your abilities! 
If you missed the live workshop, no worries! You can find the recording here, where it’ll be up for the next day or so!
But did you know that A Writer’s Mission: Description actually comes from Module 4 of my course, Notes to Novel? 
A Writer’s Mission: Description is a snippet – a teaser of what you can expect from my course that’s for writers who:
Want to write the first draft of their novel.
Are facing some serious self-doubt, and are overwhelmed by all of the vague answers out there on the internet.
Have a current WIP they’re stuck on.
Have a fleshed out manuscript and want to improve on it!
And, [First Name], I’m excited to let you know that doors are opening soon
Did you also know that many writers who work with me have gone onto publishing their works both traditionally and independently? 
I’d love to introduce you to Preslaysa Williams
Preslaysa is the author of following titles:
A Sweet Lowcountry Proposal
A Lowcountry Bride
Here’s what she had to say: 
"As a result of Savannah’s stellar coaching, I landed a book contract with Avon/HarperCollins!"

"Savannah is a great coach! She has an amazing sense of story, and it shows in the way she coaches writers. My favorite part of working with Savannah was the weekly call where I could discuss my work and brainstorm any necessary changes or tweaks to my current draft. I recommend working with a book coach because it’s a great way to learn the craft of storytelling quickly without having to spend years toiling at it alone. As a result of Savannah’s stellar coaching, I landed a book contract with Avon/HarperCollins!" 

Isn’t that incredible?? Not only did I have an amazing time with Preslaysa, but she landed a contract with Avon/HarperCollins!
This is the reason why I became a coach, [First Name], to help writers achieve their goals and dreams. Their happiness, watching their self-esteem and confidence skyrocket! That’s what it’s all about.
I can help you, too, [First Name]. 
A Writer’s Mission: Description is much the same as what you can expect in Notes to Novel. The same energy, the same fun, and the rewarding sense of accomplishment when you not only finish the course, but also the first draft of your manuscript. 
Click here to be directed to when doors open! 
I can’t wait to be there for you every chapter. 
Till then!
P.S. Whitelist Savannah Gilbo LLC by adding me to your contact list so you never miss an email!

Sales Sequence

Email 1

Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Awareness of solution/product. Prospects should start to feel like the product is for them. 
Angle: Announce doors are now open, introduce the product available for purchase. 
Send: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Meta description: Doors are open!
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: Ready to Get a Grip on Your Pen, [First Name]?
Subject Line B: Doors Are Open to Notes to Novel TODAY!
Subject Line C: Give That Rough First Draft the Love it Needs…
Subject Line D: Over the Overwhelm, [First Name]? Doors Are Open to Notes to Novel! 
Body Copy
[First Name]! Doors for Notes to Novel are officially open! 
Trust me, this is cause for celebration!
You know what else is? The fact that you want to write a novel!! How cool is that? 
Together, we’ll spend eight weeks learning the fundamentals of how to write a novel in a comprehensive, step-by-step, fun and engaging course that’ll transform all of the ideas in your head and your notebooks into a novel that works! 
I’ve dedicated all of my resources collected from every client I’ve ever had to put together a course for:
The brand new writer who has dreams, notions, ideas, and isn’t sure what to do with them or how to piece them together. Who isn’t afraid of putting in the work, and wants to see their words evolve into sentences, that collect into paragraphs, and reach their final form of a thick manuscript. 
The writer who has tried this all before and has reached the fork of uncertainty. Who might have an outline that isn’t working, has been stuck on that same chapter for what feels like forever, or has finished their manuscript and overall just isn’t feeling it. 
The seasoned writer who is looking for a fresh and new way to spruce up what they’ve got to make future works even better! 
[First Name], I’m sure you’re saying to yourself, “But Savannah…I want to, but writing a novel seems like...a lot…”
Writing a novel feels like a lot to those who just don’t know. When we break it down step-by-step, it’s not so scary and entirely doable! And there is a whole module dedicated to Mindset!
And that’s exactly what Notes to Novel is all about. 
Step-by-step breakdowns.
Encouragement for success.
Having fun for the love of writing.
Want a sneak peek of what’s inside?
Live calls & Q&A so we’ll spend all eight weeks together!
30 lessons across 6 modules packed with useful information.
A sense of community in our Private Student’s-Only Facebook Group. 
More content outside of my public podcast in a Private Notes to Novel Podcast.
Worksheets, cheatsheets, checklists.
Bonuses and more!
Interested? Click here to learn more!
But just so you know, [First Name], doors for Notes to Novel are only open for 7 days!
All the best!
P.S. Let’s connect on social media! Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and check out my podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy for more fun and informative writing-related topics! 
Unsubscribe | Sent by Savannah Gilbo PO Box 3955 • San Clemente, CA • 92674

Email 2

Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Interest. Prospects should start to feel like the product is for them.
Angle: Share the benefits and what the product can do for your prospects. Use some scarcity.
Send: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Meta description: What Notes to Novel Can Do For You
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: Make Those Minutes Count, [First Name]...
Subject Line B: Own Your Writing Power.
Subject Line C: Noteworthy Modules are Waiting For You!
Subject Line D: Annoyed with Playing Where’s Waldo Looking For Answers?
Body Copy
Hi, [First Name]!
I’m sure you’ve tried absolutely everything on how to write your story. The reference books in bookstores, scoured Amazon and Ebay for great deals only to still come up confused. Searched and searched online only to find vague explanations and roundabout answers that do nothing for you in the end. 
Let’s just say it, there is far too much out there. 
Inconsistent answers. 
Contrasting takes on how they approach things. 
I want to tell you why Notes to Novel is different, why you’ve found me and are probably using your last chance on me before throwing in the pages altogether in the trash can. 
With Notes to Novel, you can say bye-bye to imposter syndrome that affects more than 80% of writers. Work through the fears that hold you back, the overwhelm that keeps your shaking fingers hovering over your keyboard…
Find clarity amid the fog, confidence to persevere, knowledge that will stay with you, support from a community that cares, and learning to trust yourself…
Imagine all of the answers you’ve been endlessly searching for all in one place: genre, story themes, crafting relatable characters, designing unforgettable words that just may become a reader’s new go-to literary getaway, writing strong, engaging scenes…
All the while building an adaptable and well-rounded outline that you can use with every new idea that you want to explore.  
As a writer, you’ll fall in love with your words and your ideas. 
And this isn’t just for new writers, [First Name], this is for any writer with an idea. At any place, at any level. My doors are open to embrace those who really want to make their dreams come alive. 
Which is why I’m telling you that you shouldn’t wait. 
Because writers have a gift that should be nurtured, thoughts that deserve a say, and words that can make a difference. 
Words have that kind of power, [First Name]. Own your power by enrolling in Notes to Novel today before my doors close! 
Till Next Time!
P.S. Let’s connect on social media! Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and check out my podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy for more fun and informative writing-related topics! 
Unsubscribe | Sent by Savannah Gilbo PO Box 3955 • San Clemente, CA • 92674

Email 3

Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Desire. Prospects are starting to realize why they need this.
Angle: Convey incentive, scarcity, and the reason why your prospect should buy now.
Send: Friday, June 21, 2024
Meta description: Why You Shouldn’t Wait…
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: Putting Your Dreams on the Backburner May Cost You, [First Name]
Subject Line B: You Put It Off…Until One Day You Never Pick It Back Up…
Subject Line C:You Need Your People, [First Name]
Subject Line D: Give Into Writer’s Wanderlust, [First Name].
Body Copy
[First Name], I know how excited you are about your work. 
You have this idea formulated in your mind, and you want to talk about it with anyone who will listen. 
Maybe it’s that new fantasy you were hit with inspiration to write. 
Or that new retelling you’ve been dying to toy with.
How about that new romance that will have readers melting in their seats?
Whatever it is, you are beyond excited to talk about it. Your eyes light up, you start talking with your hands, you bounce around plot points in excitement because there are so many ideas bubbling in your mind all looking to come out at once, and you don’t even know where to start!
Until someone, one day, throws you off by scoffing, rolling their eyes, or appearing disinterested. That’s enough to show that someone isn’t as happy for you as you think. They don’t want to hear you. 
If that sounds like you, [First Name], or a situation you can relate to, then I’m here to tell you that those aren’t your people. 
That’s enough to dim your light, and make you less inclined to bring it up. Having no support in your corner leads to some negative thoughts, like, 
If they don’t care, would anyone else?
Sometimes that’s all it takes to begin the down spiral domino effect. You promise yourself you’ll take a break, maybe revisit it. 
Until you don’t. You shift your current WIP into a folder with other abandoned projects you’ve promised that you’ll return to and haven’t. 
[First Name], you need your people. 
All the more reason I’m going to tell you that you shouldn’t wait. You don’t need any further proof that says that you need support, and a community, and the longer you wait, the more likely you are to just walk away.
And I know you don’t want that. 
[First Name], it’s your time, your turn. 
My doors are open now for the next 5 days to welcome you into and to get you started on the path you want to be on. 
Sadly, once these doors close, you’ll have to wait months for them to open again. Why put it off? Why wait for them to open again?
A Private Facebook Group, bonus material, and coursework to get you going await you. Because this isn’t about them, it’s about you… 
And you deserve to. Let Notes to Novel tell your story with your people. 
Till Next Time!
P.S. Let’s connect on social media! Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and check out my podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy for more fun and informative writing-related topics! 
Unsubscribe | Sent by Savannah Gilbo PO Box 3955 • San Clemente, CA • 92674

Email 4

Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Build trust. Prospects should think your solution is the best.
Angle: Communicate the results other people are enjoying with the product.
Send: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Meta description: What Notes to Novel Can Do For You
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: Check Out Notes to Novel from the POV of Another…
Subject Line B: Relentlessness is Infectious, [First Name]. 
Subject Line C: Student Spotlight from Fiction Writing Made Easy…
Subject Line D: Proven Methods You Can See & Believe…
Body Copy
Hi [First Name]!
In episode 124 of my podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy, I hosted a student highlight from those who have taken Notes to Novel and kindly left me feedback. 
And feedback is so important, [First Name]. It tells us whether or not we’re on the right track. What was a great highlight, what can be improved upon. And feedback is something that I highly encourage. 
I want to introduce you to Lindsay Sfara, one of my students from Season 3. 
Lindsay’s journey started with an incomplete outline. It lacked the details that mattered, and it led her on a 6 month struggle that was a constant start and stop, pausing to think of what would happen next and prevented her from writing her end. 
At the end of her 6 month struggle, she decided to sign up for Notes to Novel. 
“That was just such a massive, massive game changer,” Lindsay says. 
“But, what really struck me in the course was the work behind discovering the WHY behind your writing and book, as well as the focus on your antagonist's development and their goals. So, starting with the why… 
Going through that work and discovering the “why” behind my book was the biggest a-ha moment in discovering not just the theme for that book, but the themes for my dual protagonists, too. And that already was a huge boost in adding depth to my writing—and to the scenes on a smaller scale.
What they wanted and their actions toward getting what they wanted were what pushed my protagonists to react, and then what pushed the story on their end. So, in the end, there was this really cool cause–and—effect cycle created by… They did this, so now they react this way, et cetera, et cetera. 
And that just creates flow for your story, versus dumping story events in an outline that don't relate to each other. You want the flow, and that the antagonist really helped me get to that.  
So with those key things—the why and antagonist—they made it so much easier to add more detail and direction to my outline as I revamped it throughout the course. I used those two things to help fill out my key scenes and character arcs, as well as, on a smaller scale, the five commandments for each scene. And everything was just starting to fall into place after that. 
If I had questions, the weekly coaching calls were perfect. And if I had new ideas to add for parts that I already drafted, the revision tracker was such a lifesaver, so that I didn't have to go back and edit, and could just keep writing forward.”
This is already such amazing feedback! But, [First Name], Lindsay’s journey gets better!
After trying to write a novel on her own for 6 grueling months, the process proving difficult, only reaching a word count of 25,000 during, and failing NaNoWriMo that year… 
After signing up for Notes to Novel, and spending the next 6 months working through the course content and revamping her outline, her draft successfully reached 100,000 words, [First Name]!
What a jump!
And with NaNoWriMo just around the corner, she slayed it and by more than doubling her original writing pace within the same time frame. 
I’m in awe! From 25,000 to 100,000!! 
“I also feel way more confident and excited about my story. I'm way more organized with my details despite all of the moving parts I have from world-building to subplots—and I now have a drafting routine that produces an alive and organic flow for developing a story. And that's all from Notes to Novel.”
There is so much more to share from Lyndsay, [First Name]. So many golden nuggets of feedback that you can listen to and read by going to Fiction Writing Made Easy and My Blog, where you can find Lyndsay’s interview, as well as my other students, and other topics of writing interest!
Till Next Time!Savannah
P.S. Let’s connect on social media! Follow me on Instagram, Facebook for updates and other fun writing nuggets. 
Unsubscribe | Sent by Savannah Gilbo PO Box 3955 • San Clemente, CA • 92674

Email 5

Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Identify and disarm objections conversationally. Deeper desire.
Angle: Encourage prospects to get off the fence by giving tools and knowledge to overcome their doubts.
Send: Monday, June 24, 2024
Meta description: Still on the fence?
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: Lifetime Access, Worksheets, and More, [First Name]!
Subject Line B: All The Tools You Need For Smoother Writing Sessions, [First Name]!
Subject Line C: Next Level Writer.
Subject Line D: Evolve as A Writer and Never Go Backward
Body Copy
Hey, [First Name],
You know, with just two days left until enrollment for Notes to Novel ends, I wanted to say something. Investing in ourselves is a big step. 
When we choose a gym membership, or a membership to anything, really – it’s a trusting agreement that opens a pathway to better ourselves. 
Investing in an eight-week course to improve your writing and learning the fundamentals of how to write a story that works with proven methods that you can use again, and again will stay with you. 
You’re not just learning how to write a novel. It’s crucial to me to explain why shifting your mindset is so important. Earlier, we talked about how imposter syndrome affects over 80% of writers. Constantly comparing, not thinking we’re good writers, or our writing isn’t good enough… 
You don’t deserve to go around thinking like that, [First Name]. It’s debilitating and heartbreaking because it’s not true. Shifting your mindset before getting into the thick of it will make all the difference. 
This course will allow you to get to the next level as a writer. And once you get there, you will never go back. 
Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to the program and all of its content and exciting bonuses so you can review whenever you’d like a refresher. 
Not only that, but you’ll receive additional updates to the course and content at no cost to you!
The biggest risk is not doing this at all.
And, [First Name], if you’re honestly not happy, or you don’t feel like Notes to Novel is for you after all. If you feel this way within the first 30 days, you’re more than welcome to request for a refund. You’ll get all of your money back. 
Because I want my students to be happy and to find the content helpful so they can thrive in the writing world. 
But with all of the content, and we’re talking 30 lessons spanning across 6 modules, the Live Q & A, the Private Facebook Group, the FAQ library, and the bonuses, I’m confident you’ll love it, [First Name]. 
Click here to learn more about Notes to Novel. 
Hope to see you in the program!
P.S. Let’s connect on social media! Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and check out my podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy for more fun and informative writing-related topics! 
Unsubscribe | Sent by Savannah Gilbo PO Box 3955 • San Clemente, CA • 92674

Email 6

Primary Goal: Sale
Secondary Goal: Last Chance
Angle: Communicate scarcity. Convey last and final chance. 
Send: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 [Doors Close 11:59PM PT]
Meta description: Less than 24 hours left.
Subject Line Options: 
Subject Line A: Doors Close in Less Than 24 Hours, [First Name]
Subject Line B: A Cinderella Retelling You Won’t Want to Miss…
Subject Line C: Why Wait to Write That First Draft Exploding With Potential?
Subject Line D: Cinderella’s Opportunity Turned Into a Pumpkin…What About Yours?
Body Copy
Think of it this way, [First Name]…on the eve when my doors close, I tend to think of the story of Cinderella. 
In her moment of despair, her fairy godmother came to her aid and turned her rags into an elaborate gown, glass slippers, and she was unrecognizable. She had an opportunity to be among the people, and she even danced with the prince. 
Of course, there was a catch. She had all of this wonder at her glass heels until the stroke of midnight. 
[First Name], my doors close at 11:59PM PT. Just before the stroke of midnight. 
And we all remember how it goes, right? The clock chimes heavily, Cinderella rushes down the grand staircase and leaves a slipper behind before at the last strike of the clock, her gown returns to rags, and her carriage turns back into a pumpkin. Yet, she has one glass slipper to remember that unforgettable night where she wasn’t among the ashes. 
In this retelling of Cinderella, [First Name], what would you do? 
Cinderella didn’t have a choice, but you do. 
Do you hold onto one glass slipper after my doors have closed? Hoping for the other to show again in the future?
Or do you change the narrative and seize your opportunity by taking control of how the story is written?
Notes to Novel will help you craft that first draft exploding with potential. 
Don’t let this opportunity turn back into a pumpkin, [First Name]. 
Enroll in Notes to Novel before 11:59PM PT!
Can’t wait to see you there!
P.S. Let’s connect on social media! Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and check out my podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy for more writing-related topics! 
Unsubscribe | Sent by Savannah Gilbo PO Box 3955 • San Clemente, CA • 92674

Sales Page

Are You Near Scratching Out Your Dream to Write That Story?

Make that Dream a Reality with Notes to Novel!

An 8-Week Live Course That Will Have You Falling in Love With Your Words

It’s Been A Struggle…I Know…

You’ve been sitting at your computer, beyond frustrated that no matter how much you’ve been manifesting, the words refuse to come. The blinking cursor on the blank document is maddening.
Your thoughts are jumbled, and you’re finding it difficult to organize them. Every attempt thus far has been a failure. 
You’ve searched the internet for solutions on how to format an outline but found a number of expensive courses that aren't providing you clear answers. 
You’re overwhelmed and disappointed that the results are bleak, and you can’t seem to find anyone that can help you through this trying time. 
You’re stressed, getting ready to close on the chapter of your life where your dream of becoming an author comes true, a strikethrough like every idea that sits in your notebook.
You keep getting stuck in the same place in your forever WIP, unable to move forward because you’re unsure how. 
You’re tired and discouraged that your book will be nothing more than an unorganized compilation of notes…

And 97% Give Up

97% of people have picked up a pen, hovered their fingers over their keyboard, and at some point in the process gave up because of imposter syndrome and the seedlings of self-doubt that ultimately makes a writer believe they can’t do it, or they’re not good enough
Many went to school to study the fundamentals of English: editing, vocabulary, technical writing, creative writing, etc. The one thing that isn’t taught is how to actually write a novel. 
And that’s a shame. Because writers will then be left to take additional courses, relying on experts in the novel writing niche. Only, many of them specialize in a specific piece of the process, and play down the rest. 
That 97% have invested in the reference books, scoured the internet for answers, did not have a support group to lean on, or a course to help guide them in a fun and comprehensive way that taps into all of the elements involving manuscript first drafts. 
Now you’re back at it, left with no clue of what to do, where to go, and who to ask. And that leaves you with that parasitic mindset of giving up. 
I implore you not to give up. 
Because that means only 3% of individuals have combated the struggles, the overwhelm, the stress, and the anxieties that come with writing the first draft of a novel. 

On the Flipside of This, There is a Way Into the Seemingly Exclusive 3%...

What is the secret solution that the 3% has to aid them in completing their first draft?
A way to become an innovative idea generator…
What if I were to tell you that the solution is fun and all-inclusive, unlike the books and courses you’ve invested in? 
That gives you a direction and takes out the guesswork, teaching you not one area, but all areas of the novel writing adventure.
A community of like-minded writers just like you that will rally and support you along the way. 
A course that will leave you feeling satisfied, and proud of what you’ve written. Because that message you’ve been craving to share with the world is worth reading
Formula-Free and with tools to help you finally tackle and complete that x-year manuscript you’ve been in an on again/off again relationship with. 

Hi! I’m Savannah! 

I am an accredited developmental editor and book coach, and also the host of the podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy. I started this journey because I wanted to learn how to write my own book. Yet…the more I delved into the art of storytelling, I absolutely fell in love with it. 
My mission is to help writers overcome the trials that I encountered. Because surely, if I was feeling it, others must have as well! I’m excited to assist you along this beautiful journey, starting a draft, finishing a draft, editing your manuscript, or embarking on the publishing process. Wherever you are, I’m there with you every sentence, every chapter of the way!
With over five years of experience, I have supported hundreds of writers in finding their way when it comes to writing a novel. So I have seen it all! Sad to relay, but most writing advice to exist out there is vague, or focuses solely on one point and glosses over the rest. That’s not doing anyone any good. 
I have compiled everything I’ve learned from working with each and every one of my students to introduce to you:
Notes to Novel! An eight-week live online step-by-step course that educates writers how to overcome overwhelm, self-doubt, boost up your confidence, and build your motivation through six modules, thirty lessons, live Q&A calls, and more to give you everything you need to complete the first draft of your manuscript!
<<Enroll Now>>
The best part? Many of my students have self-published their novels, or have published with traditional publishers! 
Check out some of my students and their work!
Preslaysa Williams
A Sweet Lowcountry Proposal
A Lowcountry Bride
Emma Grange
Seeking Safety
Needing Normal
Marc B. DeGeorge
Origin Story Part I: The Starship Sneak
Origin Story Part II: The Reckless Rescue
Origin Story III: The Traitors Trial
Sara Ennis
The Dollhouse 

In Order to Write That Great Novel, You’ll Need The Right Tools!

When You Enroll in Notes to Novel, You’ll Receive:
The Entire Notes to Novel Course! 
*Also Mobile Friendly
Module 1: Mindset – Writing Your First Draft
The most important thing, before we can take on any writing project, is understanding the way we view it. Understand our why.
Learn about mindset and how it’s important regarding writing your first draft.
The #1 reason why novels become a continual WIP.
Learn 3 strategies on how to reach “The End”. 
Module 2: Genre – The Key to Writing a Novel
An introduction to genre and how it can become the guide in writing a novel that flows and meets readers’ expectations. 
Learn genre’s must-have conventions, which include characters & setting.
The six scenes your story needs that will help maintain pacing and structure
Unlocking your story’s theme so it’s present. 
Module 3: Crafting Your Characters & Settings
Create characters readers will grow attached to, and learn where your story will take place. You’ll explore how to further develop the genre elements you need so they are tailored to your specific story. 
Learn how to flesh these characters out so they feel believable.
Strategies to help you select the best point-of-view and tense for your story.
Five tips on how to devise an alluring setting and/or world that your readers can clearly envision. 
Module 4: Scenes – The Building Blocks of Story
Learn how to write organized and gripping scenes that won’t fail to enchant your reader.
Understanding “Show, Don’t Tell”.
How description makes all the difference.
How to unveil your character’s inner life.
Effectively writing exposition.
And other strategies!
Module 5: The Art of Outlining Your Novel
We’ve reached the portion of the program, where we’ll flesh out your outline!
Expand your creativity as you delve into this valuable five-step process that will make your book come alive! 
Layer and weave subplots into your story in a way that feels natural.
Learn strategies that will crystalize your outline. 
Module 6: Writing Forward to Finish Your Draft
We’ll discuss how to reach “The End” of your draft in a very productive way.
Gain clarity, tips, tricks, and further strategies to tie it all together so that you feel confident and motivated to write forward.
Learn how to troubleshoot common issues that you may face as you write.
How to back up and keep your documents updated as your story develops. 
Worksheets, Cheat Sheets, & Checklists
Your writer’s toolbox should have the proper equipment to help support you as you move through the course. You’ll find worksheets that compliment the modules so you understand the work, cheat sheets for reference, and checklists to hold you accountable. 
FAQ Library
So you always have my archive of commonly asked questions about novel writing with a simple click for when you need it. 
Private Podcast
Unlike my public podcast, Fiction Writing Made Easy, you’ll receive this private podcast reserved just for my students! So you have further resources to aid you along your journey, and are available on the go! Listen on your walk, your run, in the car, or pop in those earbuds and relax. 
Private Facebook Group
If you’ve been feeling like no one understands your goals and endeavors as far as writing goes, you’ll love this private Facebook group for students only! Meet dozens of other writers just like you reaching for a common goal. With the help of a community that will back you up, and help you feel seen, heard, and understood. Feel free to ask questions, discuss the modules, and get help from me and other students!
Live Q & A with Savannah Gilbo
Questions are natural as they are encouraged! You’re on your own Hero’s Journey, and you’re bound to face some head scratchers along the way. Join me once a week for eight weeks through Zoom to ask your questions, get feedback, and assistance as you advance through the writing process. The only way to become unstuck is to work it out. 
"As a result of Savannah’s stellar coaching, I landed a book contract with Avon/HarperCollins!"

"Savannah is a great coach! She has an amazing sense of story, and it shows in the way she coaches writers. My favorite part of working with Savannah was the weekly call where I could discuss my work and brainstorm any necessary changes or tweaks to my current draft. I recommend working with a book coach because it’s a great way to learn the craft of storytelling quickly without having to spend years toiling at it alone. As a result of Savannah’s stellar coaching, I landed a book contract with Avon/HarperCollins!" 

With Notes to Novel You Can Expect To…

Say farewell to imposter syndrome and self-doubt with a mindset that cannot be shaken so you can use this unbeatable format over and over again. 
Crystalize your story’s main genre, so you know exactly who your reader is and how best to resonate with them. 
Discover the theme of your story so you can craft a tale that will enchant by interlacing it into your plot, settings, and characters. 
Breathe life into believable characters your readers will care about, and design settings that they’ll want to revisit not too long after turning the last page. 
Become proficient in writing strong scenes that propel the story forward. 
Craft an adaptable and well-rounded outline for your story that not only gives you a stellar visual but helps your progression in the novel writing process. 
Achieve the confidence to complete your first draft with clarity, knowledge, self-trust, and have fun doing it!
Combat the overwhelm and fall in love with your idea and/or your story all over again.
"With Savannah’s help, I was able to finish a draft and have fun with my writing again."

"Savannah helped me to finally finish a novel that I had been working on for five years–I can’t believe it! I started writing this story multiple times but could never get past the first couple of chapters. I was constantly feeling overwhelmed, near tears, and frustrated with my lack of progress. With Savannah’s help, I was able to finish a draft and have fun with my writing again. I’m so grateful to have worked with her and would definitely recommend getting Savannah’s help if you’re feeling frustrated or having trouble making progress on your draft!

–Melanie Walker

Yes, There Are Others Out There…

That’ll charge you upwards of $6500 to offer you similar packages and lesson plans. 
You’ll find people teaching this same course, just broken up into different pieces and charging different rates. And that quickly adds up! 
Or! The dreaded waitlist game. Did you find someone you looked forward to working with, just to find out that their course isn’t open and to plug in your email to be waitlisted? 
<<Enroll Now>>

Learning to Write That Novel of Your Dreams Shouldn’t Cost You An Insane Amount…

You can forget the courses that’ll cost you upwards of $6500, the broken separate courses that rack up over time, or the waitlists that might discourage you. Join me on this live eight-week journey that will educate you, motivate you, and leave you feeling so excited and falling in love with your ideas, your characters, and your chapters. 
Where else are you going to find:
The Entire Notes to Novel Course [valued at $1497]
Worksheets, Cheat Sheets, and Checklists
FAQ Library
Private Podcast
Private Students-Only Facebook Group [valued at $497]
8 Weeks of Live Q & A with Savannah Gilbo [valued at $997]
I believe so strongly in the written word, what writers are capable of, and want to make this program affordable and reachable! That’s why I’m offering Notes to Novel for just $1497! 
<<Enroll Now>>

In Addition, I’m Offering These Surefire Bonuses That No Writer Should Be Without!

Bonus #1: The Writer’s Guide to Finding & Developing Story Ideas [valued at $97]
If you have snippets of an idea, you have the potential for a full-length and great novel! In this bonus, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to finding and developing your ideas. You’ll also find my favorite spots to find new story ideas, as well! 
Bonus #2: The Next Steps Story Editing Workshop [valued at $397]
This 1-hour training will help answer your question, “I’ve finished my draft…what comes next?” In this walkthrough, you’ll uncover what to take on first, second, and third when it comes time to edit. Does your draft look messy? That’s okay! You’ll learn how to clean up and polish it!
Bonus #3: LIMITED TIME BONUS – The Picking Your Publishing Path Workshop [valued at $397]
In this 60-minute workshop, I’ll walk you through an overview of the publishing universe. Together, we’ll go over the three main publishing paths, the pros and cons of each, what a literary agent is and what their role is in the publishing process, and why you must embrace entrepreneurship no matter which path you choose!
Altogether? This program is valued at over $3500! 
But when you enroll today, you’ll receive all of this for just $1497!
<<Enroll Now>>

Don’t Put Off Your Writing Dreams for Another Year…

While I don’t want to waitlist anyone, my doors are only open until June 26, 2024 at 11:59 PM PT. I want to give every writer an opportunity to make their dreams come to life. 
Many of us think to ourselves that if we don’t act now, we’ll do it later when we’re braver, when we’re ready. 
We continue to put it off until we forget about it altogether. 
Why wait?
I want to be able to help everyone achieve their dream of writing their novel! I do! Which is why the doors to my live course are only open for a limited time so that I can. 
<<Enroll Now>>
"Savannah helped me cut through the noise and focus on what was most important in my story and I finished my first draft!"

"I had a TON of ideas for a story but no idea what to do with them. I write fantasy so I usually get consumed in world-building or creating cool magic systems, but all that doesn't make a story. And it can actually get quite overwhelming. Savannah helped me cut through the noise and focus on what was most important in my story and I finished my first 100,000-word draft! So excited!" 

–Laura Michaels

All You Need To Know!

After you click “Enroll Now” you’ll be taken to our secure order page where you’ll fill our order form of your name, email, and billing address. 
Next, you’ll select from two payment options: 
6 Installments of $297
One-Time Payment of $1497
Click Step Two to proceed and enter your payment [Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, or PayPal accepted]. 
You’ll receive a confirmation of payment, where you’ll then be able to access our private members area and find all of your content, videos, worksheets, bonuses, etc. 
You’ll then get an invitation to join the Students-Only Facebook Group where you can introduce yourself, meet, and brainstorm with other writers!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee 

I am passionate about the content you’ll uncover in Notes to Novel. I want you to see for yourself just how profound of a difference it can make to you and your writing, risk-free! 
Which is why if you decide that Notes to Novel isn’t for you, you can request for a refund within the first 30 days. You’ll receive ALL of your money back!

Everything You Get When You Invest in You and Your Writing Today!

The Entire Notes to Novel Course! [valued at $1497]
*Also Mobile Friendly
Module 1: Mindset – Writing Your First Draft
Module 2: Genre – The Key to Writing a Novel
Module 3: Crafting Your Characters & Settings
Module 4: Scenes – The Building Blocks of Story
Module 5: The Art of Outlining Your Novel
Module 6: Writing Forward to Finish Your Draft
Plus Implementation Weeks for Writing!
Private Students-Only Facebook Group
Live Q & A with Savannah Gilbo
Worksheets, Cheat Sheets, & Checklists
FAQ Library
Bonus #1: The Writer’s Guide to Finding & Developing Story Ideas [valued at $97]
Bonus #2: The Next Steps Story Editing Workshop [valued at $397]
Bonus #3: LIMITED TIME BONUS – The Picking Your Publishing Path Workshop [valued at $397]

Don’t Say No To Yourself Any Longer

Any investment towards ourselves is nerve wracking, but keep something in mind! 
You’re not alone. I will be there with you every week by your side through every chapter, every piece of your outline. 
You can always reach out in the Private Students-Only Facebook Group to brainstorm, ask advice, in an environment where you feel safe and comfortable to do so with feedback that’s more than, “It’s good!” And I’ll be there, too!
Your course material is paced every week so you not only have a weekly email to look forward to from me, but you also have time to absorb and process, have time to execute the course work, and rock your implementation weeks!
Live Q & A  Sessions to ask me any questions you have directly. I want all of my students to have access to me in a friendly, fun, and comfortable coaching environment! 
You have lifetime access to the program, with any upgrades at no additional cost to you. 
All of the bonus material for you to sink your fingers into.  
Select from one of two options: 
6 Installments of $297
One-Time Purchase of $1497
<<Purchase Now>>

“Over the years, I've tried to write by myself and never made any kind of progress. I was frustrated and about to give up on my novel when I found this course—and I'm so glad I did. I learned more from working with Savannah than I have from years of my own research—and I finally finished an entire draft of my novel!”

—Amanda Norri

Questions? I’ve Got Answers!

[[Insert FAQ here]]

You Have What It Takes To Write Your Book…All You Have to Do is Believe You Can…And I Can’t Wait to Be There Every Chapter!

Notes to Novel is for…
The writer who seeks a reusable outline to compose high-quality drafts.
The exhausted writer who is sick, tired, and frustrated of sapping their energy on resources that come up vague.
The overwhelmed writer who started their novel writing journey and has found stagnant progress. 
The disgruntled, yet open writer who finished their first draft and is dissatisfied with how it turned out. Who wants to improve on it prior to submission to self-publishing, or agents, and is open to feedback. 
The overwritten writer who wants to have fun again with their work, and wants to feel things are flowing, as well as their words. 
<<I’m Ready!>>
Like this project

Posted Apr 16, 2024

Complete sales funnel for Savannah Gilbo's eight-week live course, Notes to Novel. Completed for Copy Posse Project Portfolio.







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