Atiqur Rahaman
About LeKlub
LeKlub aims to promote partner restaurants and encourage users to discover new establishments. Through a strong media presence on social networks and collaborations with influencers, the aim is to revitalize the local market in Franch, especially during less busy periods, and to support restaurants by increasing their visibility and activity through Special offers granted to Klub members.
The problem behind Leklub is the seasonal decline in restaurant business during vacation and winter periods in France. During these times, many restaurants experience a significant drop in customer traffic, which can lead to financial challenges and reduced profitability.
Leklub aims to address this issue by providing a platform where users can access enticing discounts at a variety of restaurants worldwide, ultimately helping restaurant owners attract more customers and boost their revenue during these traditionally slow seasons.
Project Timeline
Grid System
User Flow
User Persona
Design Style Guide
Hand Sketch
Final UI