🎤 LiveTalks.TV — Mobile app redesign

Jaloliddin Esonboyev

Mobile Designer
Product Strategist
UI Designer


LiveTalks.TV is live streaming and broadcasting service for creators. I’ve worked on this product for 5 months. I was a solo designer, who collaborated with the engineering team. As a Product Designer, I was responsible for creating an understandable user experience flow and improving features in UI and UX part.

Problem statement

There weren’t so many problems affected User Experience. We defined exact problems when we’ve done our First Study - Usability Testing. Moreover, we had a look at analytics constantly. Because we wanted to track them. My research showed that **75% users were struggling with starting a new event**. We set a goal to decrease this number by defining pain points on a user journey.

We had several challenges that we need to consider. We couldn’t implement our good several ideas due to some technical constraints. Here you can see some of them:

Technical issues on Live event screens

Lacking of time

Not enough active users

Journey Maps

1. Initial view

2. After testing

How we figure out and solve challenges?

We divided our work into several phases. Then we decided to implement and add our key features, such as “Exploring channels”, “Web desktop view”, “Enhancing nav-bars” and other updates in 5-6 phases, which means after 5-6 months later. Until we worked on showing pleasant UI screens for users.

We paid attention to redesigning UI screens step by step. We know that some products failed due to incorrect redesigning their products. A critical example was Snapchat in 2018. That’s why we didn’t want to lose our users.

About quant data, we decided to take a look at marketing stuffs. And we can get enough quant data from users.

And of course, we had a lot of meetings with the team.

UI Design

After a lot of discussions and implementing ideas, we got these UI design screens. Our approach is mobile-first. Currently, we’re still focusing on mobile design.


After redesigning the UI and UX side of the product, we made these improvements:

Increased the number of watch times of events by 1.8x time in a month;

Decreased users drop-off rate by 21% in 3rd user flow after entering the home page;

Rised monthly active users by 1.9x time and users retention by 2%;

Elevated watching time of past events by 5%.

Do you need design help with releasing your project? Just get in touch with me!

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