🏦 Nekopay — Payment SaaS project

Jaloliddin Esonboyev

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Currently, all services are going online. In particular, many people want to pay from their phone without excessive queues. There are a lot of such payment systems in the world and they have various good features. One such payment system is Nekopay. This project was prepared as a concept for the exam. I researched local and global competitive projects and tried to add new features to my project. Enjoy watching :)

Qualitative research

I interviewed 30 users individually to understand how they purchase their payments and what are aspects they consider before purchasing. After collecting the data from qualitative and quantitative research, I defined out the users problems and needs.

User flow

I have finished a complete user flow structure for all our types of users and how they will interact with our entire product. This is one of the most important steps before the wireframing part.


UI design

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