Design & Full stack development for

Siddharth Ponnapalli

Web Designer
Product Designer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS
Managing Grants
Managing Grants
Incented is a decentralized protocol designed to incentivize and coordinate contributions within the Web3 ecosystem. It allows users to propose tasks, prioritize them through community staking, and contribute by executing prioritized tasks.
The protocol ensures quality by having members validate and stake approval for completed tasks. Incented aims to create a permissionless environment that fosters efficient collaboration and contribution. It's built to power task management in a transparent, autonomous way, making it ideal for decentralized communities.
Grant detail page
Grant detail page
I contributed to the design & development of internal screens for key modules, such as grants and projects, using Next.js and Tailwind, integrating them with a Supabase database for efficient data handling.
Along with Sven and team, I worked on complex flows, including authentication, task prioritization and validation, and built dynamic forms using React Hook Form where necessary. Additionally, I crafted smooth, interactive motion animations with Framer Motion
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