Orpheus Street Paintings

Brad Gilbert

Art Director
Graphic Designer
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
Art DirectionPhotography and Graphic Design for the book Orpheus Street Painting by Nelson Diplexcito.
PROBLEM: Nelson Diplexcito works in a studio space on Orpheus Street, Camberwell. The studio is rumoured to be knocked down in the coming years, and his body of work has never been properly documented. How could we create a document that captures the essence of his practice and its environment?
SOLUTION: We created a book of Nelson’s work that takes inspiration from the details of his creative practice. Typography drawing from the brand of oil paint he uses and a cover material that brought the feeling of a canvas. It was designed to feel like a snapshot of his intimate environment.
Nelson Dipliexcito, Editorial Director
Jungwon Jay Hur, Interview
Michael Caplan, Strategy + Production
Partner With Brad
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