The timeline of English Literature

Kamel Aggoun


The article provides a comprehensive overview of the major literary eras in English Literature, including the Homeric or Heroic Period, the Classical Greek Period, the Classical Roman Period, the Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period, the Middle English Period, the Early Tudor Period, the Elizabethan Period, the Jacobean and Caroline Ages, the Restoration Period, the Augustan Age, and the Age of Johnson.

Problems & Solutions:

One of the main problems was organizing the vast amount of information about the different literary eras and authors into a cohesive and easy-to-understand format. The solution was to divide the article into different sections, each focusing on a specific period, and including key information about the authors and literary works associated with it.


The goal of the article was to provide an in-depth look at the various literary periods in English Literature and the notable authors and literary works associated with them. The requirements included conducting research on the different literary eras and authors, organizing the information in a logical and easy-to-understand format, and ensuring that the article was well-written and engaging for the reader.


The process involved conducting extensive research on the different literary periods and authors, organizing the information in a logical and easy-to-understand format, and writing the article in a clear and engaging style. The process also involved editing and revising the article to ensure that it was accurate and error-free.


The article provides an in-depth look at the various literary periods in English Literature and the notable authors and literary works associated with them. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of English Literature, and provides a deeper understanding of the literary heritage of the English language.
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Posted Jan 21, 2023

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the major literary eras in English Literature, including the Homeric or Heroic Period, the Classical...

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