
Abdelrhman Sadek

Data Visualizer
Data Analyst
Microsoft Excel


Data Analysis by building an executive dashboard with Excel and Tableau


The goal of this project is to create an executive interactive dashboard that analyzes the data from 2016 to 2018 and gives insights into the data that help in decision-making which makes the company more profitable This is a data analysis project journey starting with data entry by inserting creating the tables and inserting the data in them using SQL Server then querying the wanted data from the database and calculating the revenue by multiplying the Total units with Price then connecting the query to Excel and Tableau to make the dashboards The two dashboards share the same analysis process but Tableau gives more space for the dashboard to be dynamic and more active than Excel that because Tableau is meant for visualization and dashboards

Excel Dashboard

The executive team can easily select which year, state, or store they want to have insights about and click on it\them the dashboard answers these questions:
What are the revenues in each year
What are the revenues in each month of the years
What is the state that makes the highest revenues
Which store sells the best
Which category is more sold than others
Who are the top 10 sellers to make revenue for the company
Who are the 10 most valued customers according to the revenues

Tableau Dashboard

As the Excel dashboard answers the same questions but with more visually attractive, more clear visualization, give more dynamic, and give more details about the company's status Like the Excel dashboard, it also answers:
the number of orders the company made each year
the number of customers the company have\gained yearly
the total units sold
and the executive team the top (N) customers\salers Not fixed as the Excel dashboard
Note: company name is confidential so I put a logo I designed with canva
Dashboard Tableau public link :
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