Mobile App Design | DiaBEAT

Edward Sudjono


Industrial Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer




Project Brief
Due to the stressfulness of managing a diabetes lifestyle, studies show that people diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes are 2 to 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with depression and 3 times more likely to have depression than people who do not have diabetes.
Some become accustomed to the change in lifestyle, but others find it difficult to manage it because they must track their blood sugar level and take insulin shots.
My Role
- Research about chronic diseases and how it affects those who are effected - Conduct User Research to find pain-points - Create persona and ideate solutions - Design 3D rendered product of solutions - Design Mobile App that works with product
Understanding Chronic Diseases & Those effected
To understand diseases like Diabetes, online research was first conducted to get a basic understanding and overview of the disease. Next, field researches were done where: interviews, observations and workshops are completed.
Research Insights
Research Insights
3 Different Point of Views
Different user interviews were also conducted to : - Diabetes Type-2 Patient: to understand Diabetes patients painpoints - Patient diagnosed with Depression: to understand the life of a depressed person, how it affects their daily lives - Doctor: to understand the medication and reasonings they give
3 Key Interviews
3 Key Interviews
After all the research was conducted, a user persona was created to guide the ideation process.
User Persona of Target User
User Persona of Target User
Ideation & Sketching Phase
Create a modern A1C Blood Test that’s able to use Artificial Intelligence to suggest dosages of insulin and prescriptions.
It will use data from many patients and instead of consulting with doctors, the product will be able to do its job.
Ideation Sketching
Ideation Sketching
Final Product & Mobile App
The final product is a “Modern Diabetes A1C Blood Test App & Device”.
What has been solved: - User can now take A1C Blood Test whenever - Doctors available anytime patients need consultation - Reminder of Insultin Intakes - Community of Food, Exercise & Meditation
Final Rendered Product with Simple Design System
Final Rendered Product with Simple Design System
UI - Homepage, Doctor & Prescription
UI - Homepage, Doctor & Prescription
UI - Blood Testing and others
UI - Blood Testing and others
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Mobile App & Blood Testing Device for Diabetes Patients






University of Nottingham


Industrial Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer




Edward Sudjono

Product Designer

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