Mobile App Redesign |'s Car Rental Mobile App

Edward Sudjono

Mobile Designer
UX Designer
Product Designer

Overview 🔎

This project is about improving’s Car Rentals Mobile App by solving users’ pain points throughout using the product.

Due to the confidentiality of work, please contact me to present the full case study.

My Role:

  • Conduct user research to find pain points of the application
  • Brainstorm & Iterate multiple solutions
  • Test solutions through Usability Testing
  • Finalize designs and release

Problem & Solution 🤝

During October 2021 - February 2022 period, there are a large number of complaints and inquiries regarding Car Rentals as listed below:

Top Inquiries & Complaints

  • General Information of Car Rentals
  • How to order Car Rental at
  • Additional Payment & Zone Issue

Understanding Car Rentals

Car Rentals is a product from that provides Car Rental services for those who'd like to rent a car in Indonesia with or without a driver.

The main flow of the product is:

  • Landing Page: users can input their rental city, rental date & time, and rental duration.
  • Search Result Page & Choose Vendor Page: users select the type of car, the list of vendors that provide the type of car, and the type of package provides.
  • Product Detail Page: users get a review of their type of car and vendor, along with the package they chose.
  • Booking Form: user inputs their pickup and drop-off location, along with additional zones they'd like to go.
Main flow of Car Rentals (Early 2021) app

Breaking down the Problem 🛣

To understand the problem more, the following research methods were conducted:

  • User Interview from Customer Service Complaints
  • UX Analytics (Analyzing User path in the app - see where user converts and drop-off)
  • Workshops to brainstorm potential problems and solutions
  • Design iteration and usability testing

Inquiries Problem

Inquiries Problem - Landing Page
Inquiries Solution - Landing Page

Complaints (Zone) Problem

Complaints Problem - Product Detail Page Problem
Complaints Problem - Product Detail Page Solution
Complaints Problem - Booking Form Problem
Complaints Problem - Booking Form Solution
Complaints Problem - Additional Zone/Area Problem
Complaints Problem - Additional Zone/Area Solution

Overall Results 🎁

New Design Leads to

  • Redesigned Landing Page (Added feature leads to 16.7% Book CVR)
  • Redesigned Review Booking, Additional Zones, and Booking Form Page (19.8% Uplift)
  • Decrease Complaints and Inquiries by 5%

Takeaways 📣

  • Learned how to analyze user paths through Amplitude
  • Learned how to take into account the many complaints by users from user interviews
  • Learned how to conduct multiple usability testings

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