Designing Quin: Peer-to-Peer Learning Website

Cecilia Weissbein

Visual Designer
UX Designer
Product Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe XD

What is Quinn about?

Quin is a small group collaboration platform, designed specially to enhance small group learning. Let's say is similar to some well known streaming platforms like Google Meet or Zoom, but specially and meticulously designed to learn in small groups of people. So, the whole class is listening to the professor or teacher, while being separated in groups of six people max.

Value Proposition

1. Session Portal

For students or participants, it’s like going to lecture and sitting with their friends, but better.
Host Full View
Host Full View

2. Small Group Learning

Participants have their own private space to collaborate while still being able to ask for help when needed
Small Group View
Small Group View

3. Easy Setup and Management

Setup sessions in seconds with no hassle managing break-out rooms.
Group Management by Host
Group Management by Host

Key Features

Participants or Students

Invite People to Session
Raise Hand = Invite Host / Professor to your group
Get Alerts
Customized Profile
Join session + invite friends + raise hand + invite host to join group
Watch on YouTube

Chat with your group + Get Alerts and reminders
Watch on YouTube

Host or Facilitator

Set up groups
Switch from 'Group Discussion mode' to 'Broadcasting mode'
Record Session
Enter Group
Invite Participant to broadcast

Take Away

Initial Research and Market Analysis was made by product owners before the design team was constituted.
This is just a very simple version of what the team intended this product to be.
Check out our Landing Page for more information!
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