7th Heaven Chocolate (Product Description)

Alexia R

Content Editor
Copy Editor

The Client 🍫

7th Heaven — a vegan chocolate brand specializing in non-dairy "milk chocolate" treats.

The Project (Spec Ad)

  • Create an evocative, concise product description for their "White & Cookies Chocolate Treat" bar.
  • Edit the product name to be more eye-catching

The Final Product Description

  • Product Description: Indulge in a luxurious, creamy treat! Our smooth cacao base is swirled with crunchy cookie bits for a heavenly bite every time. Always vegan, always delicious.
  • I edited the product name to be "Cookies N' Dream Bar". It's whimsical and connects to the "heavenly" theme of the brand. Plus, it's concise and easy to read.

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