Moozi Lyrics

Monica Pizzo


Brand Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator


About Moozi

Moozi Lyrics is a website that translates music to different languages using the power of AI. The organization founder wanted to make the world a little smaller, and a lot more harmonious, by creating this beta version of the site. We plan to develop further, and expand the site’s capabilities.
Here, you’ll see the final design mocks after several design rounds:
The client gave inspiration from sites like Genius and other lyric websites. The goal was to find away to stand out creatively from them, while also infusing music into the overall design.
This was an expedited beta process, so they only required 4 pages to be designed. I was tasked with creating not only a potential logo but an integrated look and feel overall.
Me, being myself, also created an overall voice and tone for them, which they are running with! You’ll see this throughout the final designed materials.

There were two avenues to go with:

High contrast and subtle music references-


All music, all day-

The client liked the color direction of the second option, but the vibe of the first.

So, I combined them!
And of course, created some potential palette options for them (just in case)

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Posted Feb 12, 2024

I worked with an emerging organization to create the interface for their lyric translation site.






Brand Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator


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