TITAN REFLEX: sports 2022

Aarushi Shah


Interaction Designer

UX Researcher

UI Designer


Google Sheets

Google Slides

Capitalizing individual and team based sports events for 2022
Project background : Titan is a leading lifestyle brand of India and the fifth largest watch manufacturer of the country. Titan wanted to see how they can capitalize on the sports events in 2022. For this project I was a part of the smart wearables experience team as a UX design intern which consisted of three other UX designers.
Scope of work : I was responsible for the whole project right from the user interface to the user experience. Since it was a project they had already launched in the market they already had a design system in place. The challenge was that it had to be designed for team based and individual sports.
About the brand : Titan Company Limited (Titan), a joint venture between the Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO), commenced its operations in 1984 under the name Titan Watches Limited. Over the last three decades, Titan has expanded into under penetrated markets and created lifestyle brands across different product categories. Titan is widely known for transforming the watch and jewellery industry in India and for shaping India’s retail market by pioneering experiential retail.
Design process
The design process I followed consisted of 5 stages. Discover, where I conducted secondary research and interviews; Define, where the research was analysed and further explored through the creation of personas, and defining project goals; Ideate, where Information architecture and sketching helped create the structure and the content; Prototyping, consisted of visual design and wire framing, before building the prototype. Unfortunately I could not be a part of the testing phase for this project.
STAGE ONE: Discover
This consisted of researching what sports people of India watch the most, how the competitors like Hot star, Unacademy, Zomato, Paytm, Gpay, & Cred have used these sporting events to their advantage.
Competitor study
Studying the other platforms and how they have attracted, retained and keep the users active on their platforms/apps.
The pattern
While studying these platforms/apps there was a certain pattern observation. This helped us narrow down what ideas would cater to our target audience. This further aided us in making the user journeys boards which and made sure they aligned with the over-all vision for the product.
STAGE TWO : Define
During this stage, we first started with the major sports events that we had cover during the year. I started with making the user journeys boards which further helped us in the information architecture and sketching of the ideas.
During this stage, I created the information architecture and wireframes of the application.
Paper sketching
Sketching on paper helped me to explore ideas without a limitation, and helped me expand my thinking. I presented these sketches to my team and we discussed possible layouts/alternatives for the various screens in the application. I then incorporated their feedback, suggestions, and some new ideas in the wire-framing stage.
STAGE FOUR: Prototype
This was the stage I was most excited for, to digitize wireframes and build the prototype that would be tested with the internal stakeholders and the target user group. The wireframes began with sketching on paper, which helped me to brainstorm with a free hand. I then digitised the designs I liked, and brought them to life on Adobe XD.
Idea one : Board idea
This game consists of a square board with blocks associated with certain values. When you log in the user will see a blank square with outlined blocks. As you start completing steps the blocks will act as progress bars and will keep on filling as the user keeps on completing the steps. The user will get an unique identity which will be formed and would be displayed in the common event section. Over here it would depend on the user whether they complete the board or not, as the steps would lead to the accumulation of coins and those will be used to redeem rewards. This would go on till each event goes on.
Idea 2 : Word association
This game is ideally fun when played in teams of 5-8. A word is given by the platform (relating to the sports event going on). Everyone has to write the first word that comes to their mind in 60 seconds. The most common word amongst the team would be given the most points. The better you perform the lesser steps you will have to complete. Once you complete the steps you will get coins and you can redeem the prizes from the Titan gift shop anytime during the game.
Learnings and takeaways
This was an amazing experience. I believed I achieved all of what I set out to do. Again, the object of this exercise wasn’t to create an entirely new product but to add a feature to an existing one, while seamlessly weaving their brand and message throughout. I am excited to add new features to existing digital products in the future. I feel a lot more confident with this ability after doing this live project.
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Posted Jul 24, 2023

Capitalizing individual and team based sports events for 2022






Titan Company


Interaction Designer

UX Researcher

UI Designer


Google Sheets

Google Slides

Aarushi Shah

🌟Crafting user-centric digital experiences

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