Currently, two million people work in the creative sector. (Dawood, 2017) and only 3% of designers are Black (Sanchez, 2020), This project aims to look into why the Design Industry lacks diversity and aims to challenge current solutions with the purpose of creating conversion through Disruptive Design, in order to create change that brings more Black people into the Design industry, to create diverse teams that create inclusive products and services. The secondary data for this project was collected through existing literature review papers. The primary data was collected through a Focus group of Black people currently studying Design courses at University and Interviews with Black professionals in the industry. Research showed the problem started at the early career choice stage of life and 3 main challenges that hindered Black people from entering or progressing into the Design Industry were firstly, the feeling of isolation due to being the only one, secondly having no representation or role models and lastly the fear of discrimination when entering the workplace and employment. These findings led me to create an app that would address all of these challenges by creating a safe space for young Black Designers where they can be mentored by Black design professionals and gain confidence in knowing there is room for them in the Design industry, leading to an increase in the percentage of Black people in the creative sector.