RPG Character design

Nik Gothic



Creative Designer

Adobe Photoshop


I'm a fan of D&D and I make my own homebrew campaigns. I'm also an artist. Therefore, it's no wonder that I tend to offer graphical flourishes to all my RPG campaigns, and also work to render my own player characters into visual form.
These two guys are examples of typical Goblin henchen I like drawing: You can see a lot of Chuck Jones-styled zaniness with them, and I also had a lot of inspiration from the way Goblins are depicted in "Warcraft" games. The Goblin on the left is a generic trooper, while the guy on the right is Honcho, their leader who's too out of shape to fight, so he leads managerial duties, such as writing invasion dates and maintaining supply chains. He's a crooked soul, and I've based him on Danny deVito's character from "Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Both are drawn digitally through "Krita".
This lady here is Dia Dia! She's a Chaotic Cleric, as per the 1974 rules of "Dungeons & Dragons" and she is a creation of one of my friends. This one is different cos I drew the lineart on actual paper with ink and pen, and I've coloured it digitally through "Krita". I love giving characters such deep, rich shading while keeping the depth and vibrancy of their main colours intact.
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Posted Aug 18, 2023

Character illustrations for some of my players in my D&D homebrew.







Creative Designer

Adobe Photoshop


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