Comics for a glam rock music video!

Nik Gothic



2D Animator

Creative Designer

Adobe Photoshop


So I was approached by a rock band and they asked me to make some comic pages - for their music video:
Watch on YouTube
These guys are New York's Finest! A New-York based glam and hard rock group whose main theme is being able to dress like policemen in black leather, exclusively in the spirit of image and kink. The actual comic/music video actually goes deeper in the question of what it means to present as a policeman and some serious questions about power dynamics and abuse that an institution like that would carry.
This was a rare example of a comic I made exclusively digitally. Normally I make comics with pen and ink on real paper, which is a beautiful but time-consuming process. When deadlines are tight my general approach would be to comit artwork directly to paper instead.
Even so, the comic still passed through all the relevant phases of work: Sketching and storyboarding, lineart and colouring. Video editing was done by another collaborator. I didn't have to do the scripting since my client has already provided me with it.
One special request I got was that most textures, where possible, should employ a print half-tone effect: Similar to the one in Roy Lichtenstein paintings or the "Spider-verse" movies, and that was a beautiful decision. In addition to all the hyper-saturated imagery and neon colours here, the half-tone effect adds everything a little bit of matting, a little bit of earthiness that makes this comic both easy on the eyes and organic while also allowing it to be bursting with colour.
Good ol' Krita hasn't failed me for this one.
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Posted Aug 24, 2023

A New York-based rock band came to me and asked me to draw them a dozen comic pages that they could utilise for their music video. So I did!







2D Animator

Creative Designer

Adobe Photoshop


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