Social Media Ad Ideas

Luke Turalitsch


Script Writer

Content Writer

Social Media Ad Ideas

For a business, getting a product out there on social media is a challenge. I was contacted by a mask & prop store (Rubber Johnnies) to help them come up with video ad ideas to use on their social media account, as well as specific ads for their Mario mask. By incorporating humor, they increase the chance of producing highly engaging videos and converting viewers to buyers.
Social Media Ad Concepts:
Concept #1: Bad Guy Support Group
Idea: A group of bad guys with various masks are sitting in a circle, getting ready for the upcoming Halloween. They take turns sharing stories of how difficult it is to run after people, scare them, find people to scare, etc. They share stories and take turns building each other up for another productive Halloween.
Concept #2: The Shining Parody
Idea: “John,” or another character, attempts to break down a door with an ax to get to a scared person inside a room. Instead of the “Here’s Johnny” line, the villain says, “Here’s Rubber Johnnies.” The person inside starts laughing…A few beats pass. The villain is very hurt by this, shows some emotion. (Maybe is reminded of something encouraging from the support group). And then, the villain continues to try and break into the room with even more fury.
Concept #3: Trojan Brand Parody
Idea: A parody of Trojan commercials. A guy and a girl, alluding to physical activity, and then the couple pull out masks to wear and go outside together, scare friends together, etc.
Concept #4: Mario Ad / Rocky Training Parody
Idea: A guy wearing the Red Mario Outfit parodies the Rocky Training Scene. Mario throws bananas, lifts pipes, goes for a drive on a (bicycle, E-scooter, car), jumps up and down on blocks, etc.
Concept #5: Mario Ad
Idea: A man in the Red Mario Outfit races around on an (electric scooter, bicycle, shopping cart, etc.), racing another Man in the Luigi Outfit. A few scenes of them side by side, throwing bananas at each other and hurling insults. Variation: A third racer (Donkey Mask, Lego Mask, Trump Mask, etc.) emerges and wins the race.
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Posted Jun 16, 2021






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