Laine's Best Man Speech

Luke Turalitsch


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Why Not Make The Best Day Ever, Even More Fun?

That is precisely why I love adding humor to Best Man / Maid of Honor Speeches.
Sure, it's going to be a day to remember for everybody—but why not roast the happy couple a bit and elevate the evening with laughter? Let's hear some playfully inappropriate moments from the couples' life to help ease the burden of the couple grand spent on the Dyson Yoga Ball Vacuum System they wanted.
And it's a fact. People feel better after laughing. Help the parents of the Bride and Groom forget the trauma of having just planned a wedding, even if only for a few minutes.


(Background: Laine grew up spending ever summer with his cousin Brad. They have an unusual obsession with Spongebob and pie. Brad was training to be a helicopter pilot.)
Here is Laine's Speech:
Hi, my name is Laine. I'm Brad's mom's husband's sister's, son—or cousin.
I've known Brad since he was a child and only 7 feet tall.
Every year I'd drive up to Cambria and visit Brad, and we would have so much FUN. For
those of you that don't know what FUN stands for:
F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere and anytime at all
Down here in the deep blue sea!
I'm very excited to be here today. Many people were surprised to hear that Brad was
getting married because that involved him leaving his room.
And nobody could've been happier than his parents to gain a new family, a new daughter-in-law,
and a new recreation room.
Brad used to be a waiter at Lynn's, where he first fell in love with Ollaberry—soon replaced with
a love for his manager, Cindy. And as we all know, love is a free gift. And in Brad's case, so was
Over the years, I've got to spend time with Brad and Cindy, and they are such a good fit, way better
than any of Brad's clothes.
Brad and Cindy get along so well together. Whenever I visited them, I always had a hard time
sleeping due to the noise they would make all night, laughing together.
Humor is essential in any relationship, it'll make sure life isn't too serious, and there is nothing
better than joking with your best friend.
Not only is humor important, but communication is also key.
Brad will be a helicopter pilot soon, so he is very fluent in flight lingo.
So Cindy, when you hear things like, "You're the only person on my radar." Or "My cockpit just
isn't the same without my co-pilot." Or "Whenever I'm without you, my life hits turbulence." It's his
way of saying, he's out of Ollaberry Pie. And he loves you.
Cindy is very passionate about wine, good food, and her pups.
So Brad, when you hear things like, "Who's a good boy?" "Who's a good boy?" She's talking to
Maverick (her dog).
In all seriousness, thank you very much for having me and everybody here to share your special
day. I'm sure we're all eager to get to the dance floor before the beans kick in.
Please raise your glasses.
To Cindy and Who’s a Good Boy!
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Posted May 7, 2021






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