From Zero to Hero: Revamping Real Estate Ads

Aswin Sampath

Growth Marketer
Marketing Strategist
Performance Marketing Specialist
Google Ads
Google Analytics

About The Company and the Problem

The company is a US-based real estate firm focused on real estate investments. Their goal was simple: use Google ads to catch the attention of real estate investors searching for investment opportunities. Despite investing a significant $6500 USD each month, the results were nearly nonexistent.

We call this problem the “Mismatch Mayhem”. This is a common mistake among in-experienced marketers who lack the knowledge of proper campaign setup. 

Stats Before Our Service 

Spend - $6721

Clicks - 1217

CTR - 11%

Conversions - 0 

Conv Rate - 0% 

At first glance, the numbers seemed okay. The CTR and CPC were even pretty good compared to what’s usual in the industry. But taking a closer look, there was a big issue. The ads were getting clicks, but not from the right people. They were showing up for searches that weren’t really related to what the company was offering. This mismatch was clear because no one actually took action after clicking the ads, leaving the conversion rate at a worrying zero.

Why did they choose to partner with us?

Pilot Month: We began our partnership with a promise - a pilot month of dedicated service to optimize their campaigns. It was our confidence in delivering tangible results that laid the foundation for what became a long-lasting collaboration.

Process & Dashboards: From the first conversation, we aimed for clarity and efficiency. Walking them through our processes, we revealed a system which is focused on minimizing errors and maximizing results. Our easy-to-navigate yet detailed dashboards, also caught their eye and admiration.

Clear Communication: Throughout the pilot month, we maintained a steady and transparent communication flow. Keeping them in the loop with daily and weekly updates, we ensured that every change, every decision taken, was communicated promptly and clearly. 

Complete Solution: We provided a comprehensive suite of services. From managing ads to improving landing pages and optimizing conversion rates, we brought a complete package to the table, positioning ourselves as a one-stop solution for all their digital advertising needs.


Improper Campaign Setup: The campaigns weren't well-organized. Without proper research and a specific focus on their unique real estate niche, the campaigns were too broad and attracted irrelevant clicks and impressions. This not only drained the budget but also failed to communicate the specific offers effectively.

Page not Optimised for mobile: A significant chunk of traffic came through mobile devices, but their landing pages were not adequately optimized for mobile users. Essential elements like forms and CTAs weren’t user-friendly, making the visitor’s experience inconvenient and hindering the conversion process.


Refined Campaign Strategy: We thoroughly examined the existing campaigns to identify areas of improvement and devised a focused three-week enhancement plan. This involved a substantial overhaul of ad groups and keywords, focusing on the most important and relevant terms, incorporating negative keywords, and optimizing campaign settings for increased precision and relevance.

Improved Landing Page: Adjustments were made to optimize the landing page for mobile users, enhancing the user experience. Essential trust-building elements, like testimonials, were added. The headline was revamped for increased relevance and clarity. These collective refinements resulted in a more engaging landing page, contributing to the improved conversion rates.


Stats Before

Spend - $6721

Clicks - 1217

CTR - 11%

Conversions - 0 

Conv Rate - 0% 

Stats After

Spend - $8755

Clicks - 867

CTR - 19.42%

Conversions - 62

Conv Rate - 7.15% 


The transformative journey of this real estate firm’s advertising campaign speaks volumes about the power of proper strategy and execution. 

Initially affected by "Mismatch Mayhem," the campaigns struggled, draining resources without bearing fruit. Our intervention showed the path to success with a detailed audit, strategic revamp, and intelligent optimizations.

We didn’t just apply band-aids; we rebuilt the foundation. Essential adjustments were made, focusing on relevance and strategic structuring, which improved the overall effectiveness of the advertisements. These enhancements have set the campaign on a path towards success in the competitive real estate advertising landscape.

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