Conversion Rate Improvement - Google Ads

Aswin Sampath

Digital Marketer
Lead Generator
Performance Marketing Specialist
Google Ads
Google Analytics

How We Boosted a Client's Conversion Rate from 3.6% to 18.9% in 6 weeks

When the client approached to us, they were battling a low conversion rate of just 3.6%. They weren't just worried about the low rate, also about the quality of the leads and the high cost per conversion were also major issues.

This is what we usually call the “The Triple Hurdle: Low Rates, Weak Leads, High Costs “

Our Four-Step Strategy

Here's how we approached the problem:

Step 1: 'Data Detective' Work

We examined past performance, search terms, and how visitors interacted with the website. We discovered 2 key issues: many search terms were too general to the service and not really people looking for the client's specific services. Additionally, the landing page wasn't effectively encouraging visitors to take action.

Step 2: Campaign ‘Clean up’

Our strategy here is simple. Target only those search terms that showed a clear interest in the client’s services.

We created a list of irrelevant search terms to avoid, added them in a separate negative list, stopped using keywords that attracted too general an audience, and made better use of the client’s budget.

Step 3: Bidding ‘Strategy Shift’

Contrary to popular practice, we moved from automated to manual CPC. This was a strategic decision, as we were now targeting very specific, high-intent terms. This not only helped in better targeting but also slightly reduced the cost per click.

Step 4: Landing Page Refinement

We revamped the headlines and CTAs to better align with our refined targeting strategy. This small change, along with the other steps, led to a significant boost in conversion rates.

The Result: A Leap to 18.9% Conversion Rate ( 421% increase )

By thoroughly analyzing the data, refining the campaign, adjusting our bid strategy, and tweaking the landing page, we were able to dramatically improve the conversion rate. It's a proof to the power of data-driven approach and more importantly the need for personalized strategy suited for the business and its needs.

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