E-commerce Design system, Product Grid and Details Page

Pavle Golubovic


CRO Expert

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist



Material UI

This case study explores the creation of a cohesive design system for LansingNow e-commerce platform, focusing on consistency and scalability across product grids and detail pages. The goal was to deliver a seamless shopping experience with on Brand engaging components and intuitive functionality, tailored to enhance user engagement and drive conversions.
LansingNow Product Page Showcase
LansingNow Product Page Showcase
My Role
Product Designer
4 Months
UX Research and Testing
Conversion Optimization
Design System
Developer Handoff


The challenge was adapting the Material UI design system for e-commerce while also preparing a flexible design token system that follows the brand. The main point we had regarding UX is that people were abandoning their carts on Product Details page


After addressing the Material UI inflexibilities, creating a robust variables library and creating the necessary components on most viewed pages, after implementation, the client had a sales increase and the highest recorded sale at once in Denver, USA!


Evaluating pain points in an existing solution
Our first task was to analyze the the major pain points in the user Journey from landing to checkout, addressing any design inconsistencies in user flows.
We have found Significant brand inconsistencies across the board and unintuitive experience during Product specs selection
A design Audit was a good tool for this, where the annotated screens were shown to the product owner.
Previous product page
Previous product page
Material UI Design System conversion
Since Material UI was in use before, in order to cut development time we have decided to modify the existing material ui design system to our needs, fitting in the Brand guidelines with the existing architecture of the design system.
We have used a mix of component and semantic based tokens, along with the primitives which Reflect brand guidelines
Tokens that follow the Brand
Tokens that follow the Brand
Custom Components Approval
For components which needed to be modified or brand new custom components, we had sessions with PO, PM and E-commerce experts to validate the design and see how these new components fit with the branding and engineering feasibility.
A basic tagging of approved/in-review/rejected was used, the finite list of components was documented in Jira Confluence
Components Approval Worshop
Components Approval Worshop
Optimizing Product Cards for Conversion
In Product Gallery it was important to redesign the cards to contain all the important information of the product but also arrange the information in a clear hierarchy
A/B Testing different Product Cards
A/B Testing different Product Cards
Design System Handoff
After all the component designs were approved, all necessary UX iterations were complete, we were tasked wih providing a documentation for our work for future scalability and development effort.
We have found Significant brand inconsistencies across the board and unintuitive experience during Product specs selection
MUI Design system Documentation
MUI Design system Documentation
Design System Documentation Table of Contents
Design System Documentation Table of Contents


As I mentioned, after our successful delivery, and a few months later after implementation, the client had a sales increase and the highest recorded sale bundle in Denver. This may have come from a lot of factors, but we pride ourselves for taking part in this success story.
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Posted Dec 21, 2024

Creation of a cohesive design system for LansingNow e-commerce platform, focusing on consistency and scalability across with driving conversions in mind






CRO Expert

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist



Material UI

Tremium Software - Branding & UI/UX Design
Tremium Software - Branding & UI/UX Design
Multi-Brand, Multi-Theme Component Library
Multi-Brand, Multi-Theme Component Library