Guacco - Commodities Trader

Felipe Moreno


Digital Marketer

Email Marketer

Growth Marketer


Google Ads


A New Company, No Clients, No Structure, But Too Much Desire To Grow

Guacco was founded in Sep, 2021, they had a CRM, ERP and products to sell, but how get clients in Plastic Commodities Market? A market that credibility is the key to success.
Let's transform the positioning of the Brand, be disruptive is the key. To start we researched the main players in this Market and realize that maybe 01 or 02 companies was playing with marketing Teams. We saw that the Visual Identity was padronized, a white background and the logo with 1 or 2 colors and brand name like: PlasticCompany or DistribuatorPlast this is too comum and to be disruptive we have to innovate. Also in this researches, we realize that the quotes provided by the "competitors" was too simple, a e-mail or WhatsApp message like: Product Name Price: R$XX,XX per KG Shipping: CIF or FOB Payment: Cash payment or financial analisys for deferred payment. (No name about the supplier)
Based on these informations, we saw a lot of potential Marketing Action that would transform Guacco.
Starting with the Brand and Visual Identity we've chosen strong colors, a pretty dark gray, white to high contrast and red to show seriousness. A simple designed Logo and a striking icon.
Logo Guacco
Logo Guacco
Researching in Petrochemical Websites we created a Professional website, but turning the theme to Darken, to be different, in the first contact of any client, they will remember about Guacco.
You can access here:
The third action was create a quote model to activate the brand in clients, in this market, the clients request a lot of quotes to close the buy process, base in this action and the results of Analisys of Compatitor Research, we created a quote model that activate the brand every time the client open the quote, to this was simple, a cover page before de prices and if the client want to share the prices to other decision people, they would see the Brand:
Commercial Quote - Guacco
Commercial Quote - Guacco
In this moment, Guacco started going to get new clients, but how to improve the credibility to a client tha has never heard about the brand? Lets create stunning content on Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook.
Look some stunning designs to improve credibility:
Posts Instagram - Guacco
Posts Instagram - Guacco
You can see mor of posts here: Instagram.

Right, the basic we got! Now what's the next steps?

We introduce to Guacco the possibility to participate of "Plásticos Brasil 2023", the Biggest business fair of Plastic segment for 3 main reasons:
Spread the brand in the Market
Collect Leads data
Take approach of Clients.
They told us that they couldn't organize this event... But We Can Do It!
We organized all, since the contract the space, architect the stand until supervise the assembly. Guacco stands was stunning, the Brand colors, the food, beer, even Whiskey 🥃, the promoter model, promotion gifts, folders, data collectors, photo and video coverage... We've made a good job.
Photos from Guacco Stand - Plásticos Brasil 2023
Photos from Guacco Stand - Plásticos Brasil 2023
After the event we achieve the planned goals 🏆 more than 1.000 clients data collected (A lot of decisors), the brand was in the Biggest Bussiness Fair in the segment, the bags of Guacco has spread the brand among the event.

Now, what to do with this data? Conversation Marketing!

We created a integrated marketing automation with the sales Team, we used E-mail Marketing and WhatsApp Marketing to get in touch to Leads, after the opt-in, the Sales Team could offer products in 10 minutos to more than 600 Leads, the ROI of event was a success and LTV is counting until now and continues 🤑.
Strategys of E-mail Marketing and WhatsApp Marketing make the result of Landing Pages and Ads investiments grow the results, now a Lead can be contacted a lot of times, with direct offers, automatic answering for clients who are not interested at moment, making more time avaible to sales team deal with clients that are really interested.

Taking Advantage of Situations 💭

In the Plastic Market is common a competitor to run out of stock of some products, how to attend this clients creating a opportunity to get them in this moment?
Ads! Investing directly in the bottom of funnel, specific words. We have started some Campaign using Google Ads focusing in appear to Clients who already buy, but are searching an alternative.
In the fisrt moment, it works, but after 1 month, the campaign was dirty with clients who search for plastic products, but no raw material... Why is this happening? 🤔
Using reporting tools, we realized that the images used on site (products that can be produced with Guacco raw material) was leaving leads confused. So how to solve? All the market use this type of photo... Let's use photo of the packaged product and use to activate the brand!
Packaged Guacco Products
Packaged Guacco Products
Changing the photos and improving the campaigns, we achieve 95% of qualified Leads getting in touch! 🚀

How to Decrease de dependence of Ads? 🧐

Well, we are not stopping to Investing on Ads, but is thera a way to open a new sales channel? Of course! Organic Results are the best! But it takes time to see results, is there a possibility to find a game changer? Action that will increase the acess to Guacco's website?
In metting with Guacco, they told us that the market searches technical datasheets everytime... And there is the key 🗝️.
We created a database with 1k+ Technical Datasheets, applied SEO to each one, and when any person who downloads any document, receive a doc named "NameOfProduct_Datasheet_Dowloaded_From_Guacco", now all competitors, clients, decisors who search for these datasheets will see the brand or even getting in touch.
Now we continue working! But with a Robust Marketing Structure, Investments and LTV.
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Posted Jul 5, 2024

New Company, no Clients, No Credibility, how to change the game? We Can Do It!






Digital Marketer

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Growth Marketer


Google Ads


Felipe Moreno

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