
Afeez Yunus

Web Designer
Product Designer

Neosensory condenses decades of neuroscience research into a sleek wristband to deliver hearing solutions that are brand new, simple, and backed by science. Going into this, despite having decades of research and developmment under the belt, we knew such advancements would be deifficult to believe by users, so it was imperative to showcase the product features and more importantly, its evidence of merit.

Here's the hero, with the product on display, with its means of adoption as clear as possible.


The three main offerings on display, as clear and concise as possible. This was a product that would most probably be recommended or prescribed to you by physicians. However, we were keen on capturing organic conversion as well.

The products
The products

Proof of work, and how it works

Understanding the work behind the product
Understanding the work behind the product

The Add-to-cart section is simple, conveying trust (reviews), product breakdown, and size options as clear as possible.

An easy-to-digest purchase screen
An easy-to-digest purchase screen

proof of adoption
proof of adoption

Product Features
Product Features

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