Sales Analysis for E-commerce Business Using SQL

Yisak Fikre


Data Modelling Analyst

Data Analyst

Database Specialist

Microsoft Excel


Sales Analysis for E-commerce Business Using SQL

Project Overview:

This project involves the analysis of sales data for an e-commerce business. The dataset contains information about customer orders, product details, payment methods, and sales performance. SQL queries were used to extract insights such as the top-selling products, monthly sales trends, highest spending customers, and more.


The dataset used in this project is a CSV file with 27,000 rows. It contains the following columns:
Order ID
Order Date
Customer ID
Product ID
Product Name
Price per Unit
Total Sale Amount
Payment Method
Payment Status

SQL Queries:

The project includes several SQL queries for analysis, such as:
Finding the top 5 selling products by quantity sold.
Analyzing monthly sales trends.
Identifying the highest spending customer.
Analyzing sales by payment method, country, and continent.
The SQL Query used for this analysis is shown below
-- Create the database
CREATE DATABASE ecommerce_sales;
-- Create the table
CREATE TABLE ecommerce_data (
order_id VARCHAR(20),
order_date DATE,
customer_id VARCHAR(20),
product_id VARCHAR(20),
product_name VARCHAR(100),
category VARCHAR(50),
quantity INT,
price_per_unit DECIMAL(10, 2),
total_sale_amount DECIMAL(10, 2),
payment_method VARCHAR(50),
payment_status VARCHAR(20),
country VARCHAR(50),
continent VARCHAR(50)
-- Use the database
USE ecommerce_sales
-- Import the CSV data into the table via Task > Import Flat File
-- Ensure that the CSV file is stored in a known location (e.g., '/path/to/ecommerce_data.csv')
-- Note: Modify the path and format accordingly for your SQL Server/Environment
-- Total Sales Revenue
SELECT SUM(total_sale_amount) AS total_revenue
FROM ecommerce_data;
-- Sales by Continent
SELECT continent, SUM(total_sale_amount) AS total_sales
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY continent
ORDER BY total_sales DESC;
-- Total Order & Sales BY Payment Methods
SELECT payment_method, COUNT(order_id) AS total_orders, SUM(total_sale_amount) AS total_sales
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY payment_method
ORDER BY total_sales DESC;
-- Number of Transactions BY Payment Methods
SELECT payment_method, COUNT(*) AS number_of_transactions
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY payment_method
ORDER BY number_of_transactions DESC;
-- Total Quantity Sold By Product Name
SELECT TOP 5 product_name, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity_sold
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY product_name
ORDER BY total_quantity_sold DESC;
-- Top 5 Customer by Spending
SELECT TOP 5 customer_id, SUM(total_sale_amount) AS total_spent
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY customer_id
ORDER BY total_spent DESC;
-- Total Sale By Category
SELECT category, SUM(total_sale_amount) AS total_sales
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY category
ORDER BY total_sales DESC;
-- Average Sale Value
SELECT AVG(total_sale_amount) AS avg_sale_value
FROM ecommerce_data;
-- Monthly Sales
CAST(YEAR(date) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(MONTH(date) AS VARCHAR(2)), 2) AS month,
SUM(total_sale_amount) AS monthly_sales
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY YEAR(date), MONTH(date)
ORDER BY month;
-- Percentage of Orders by Payment Status
SELECT payment_status, COUNT(*) 100.0 / (SELECT COUNT() FROM ecommerce_data) AS percentage_of_orders
FROM ecommerce_data
GROUP BY payment_status;

How to Use:

Clone this repository.
Import the provided CSV data into your SQL database.
Run the SQL queries provided in the sql_queries/ folder to gain insights from the data.
Optionally, create visualizations using tools like Power BI, Tableau, or Excel to further analyze the data.

Download the file

You can download the SQL File and CSV file used for the analysis. Incase you want to try by yourself


This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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Posted Feb 9, 2025

E-commerce Sales Analysis Using SQL. Contribute to yisakfikre/Sales-Analysis-SQL development by creating an account on GitHub.






Data Modelling Analyst

Data Analyst

Database Specialist

Microsoft Excel


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Customer Segmentation Interactive Dashboard