Mantis - Crypto Exchange Platform

Mehul Sethia

Mantis Crypto Project - Frontend Development
I worked on building the frontend for the Mantis crypto project, which is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. The primary goal of this project was to create a clean, user-friendly interface with advanced functionality to allow users to interact seamlessly with the platform’s financial services, such as swapping tokens, managing liquidity pools, and more.
Tech Stack Used:
Next.js: Utilized for its server-side rendering capabilities and static site generation, providing faster load times and better SEO for the platform.
shadcn: Integrated for responsive and visually stunning UI components, allowing for a highly interactive and modern design across devices.
TypeScript: Ensured the project was robust and scalable by leveraging TypeScript’s static typing, improving code quality and maintainability.
Key Features Developed:
Perps Flow: Developed both the desktop and mobile views for perpetual swaps, offering users an intuitive way to trade cryptocurrencies with leverage. The design ensures a smooth and efficient user experience for navigating market data and executing trades.
Pools Flow: Implemented features for users to view all liquidity pools, as well as specific functionality to deposit and withdraw liquidity. The design focuses on providing clarity around each pool’s details while maintaining an easy-to-use interface.
Portfolio Flow: Built a portfolio page for users to track their assets, including a breakdown of their investments and earnings from various liquidity pools and perpetual contracts. The UI is responsive, offering seamless navigation between desktop and mobile.
This project allowed me to work extensively with both frontend development and crypto-specific interfaces, ensuring high performance and responsiveness for users. Through the use of Next.js, TypeScript, and shadcn, the result is a highly efficient platform that meets the needs of crypto traders and liquidity providers alike.
Perps Page
Perps Page
All Pools
All Pools
Pools - Deposit Liquidity
Pools - Deposit Liquidity
Pools - Rebalance
Pools - Rebalance
Pools - Withdraw Liquidity
Pools - Withdraw Liquidity
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Posted Dec 4, 2024

I worked on building the frontend for the Mantis crypto project, which is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform.

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