Cold Email: Webinar on How To Get Upwork Clients

Quynh Anh Ta



Email Marketer

Google Drive


When I was working on this project, I already had some experience in this niche since I have worked on Upwork before. The client was launching a webinar as a freebie to sell his Upwork course.
Before writing this email, I brainstormed what I was thinking when working on Upwork to get my customers' insights. I listed out all the fears and desires freelancers would have.
Really enjoyed writing this email. I rarely have a chance to write something that I - myself - am one of their customers 😅
Here's the outcome:
Product: Webinar “Upwork - Earning $10,000/month” Target customer: Freelancers who just started out on Upwork and struggling to get clients.
What freelancers who earn $10.000/month on Upwork say.
A free guide on How to work on Upwork and earn $10.000/month.
Hey {First name},
Did you know that Upwork freelancers can make up to $120,000 a year?
Well, the path to earning $10,000/month is not as hard as you think only if you know the secret techniques that only experienced freelancers know.
Therefore, to help you achieve that goal, I want to invite you to a FREE webinar named “Upwork - Earning $10,000/month”
Here's a glimpse of what you’ll discover:
How to set up the profile that will make clients obsessed with you at first sight.
How to find thousand-dollar jobs and repeat clients 🔁.
The ultimate guide to writing your proposal.
The secret technique to make clients keep coming back and leave 5-star reviews.
Clients’ insights that they will never tell you.
And much much more!
So, if you’re interested in making $10,000 online through Upwork, join our webinar on November 17th here. It took you no cost at all!
P.s: We only offer limited slots. Make sure to sign up for the webinar ASAP as we’re closing in 24 hours.
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Posted Mar 21, 2022

A cold email inviting my client's email subscribers to join a free webinar 'How to earn $10,000 on Upwork' via Zoom. This is a freebie to sell their course.







Email Marketer

Google Drive


Quynh Anh Ta

Email Sales Copywriter: Online Education products

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