I was working for one of my clients, an affiliate marketer who specializes in Health products. She had her own email list and advertise her products occasionally via email. For each product, she will launch an 8-email campaign, which will be ~15 days, sent to her subscribers for both nurturing and selling.
I helped her with copywriting the emails. To be honest, it was challenging for me at first since Health isn't my niche and I had to do a lot of research from blog posts, youtube videos, to other health courses and programs.
But in the end, she was happy with my work and the emails performed pretty well. She reached out to me for more email sequences for health products like this one.
Although we are not working together now as she doesn't do affiliate marketing anymore, her projects have given me lots of valuable experience in email copywriting.
So here are the emails I wrote for her:
Email 1:
Subject lines:
So, you joined us, {First name}?
Welcome to the paradise of pain-free, {First name}!
Hey {First name},
A few minutes ago, I checked my phone and this notification popped up:
{First name} Just Subscribed To Your Email List!
I froze for a second…
OMG… Is this a dream? 😱
Woohoo! {First name} just signed up to my email list!! Now I get to text {First name} every single day! (just joking…I won’t)
I rushed down to my bedroom super fast that I even fell down the stairs and bumped into the wall.
It was painful.
Speaking of pain, I’ve just remembered that you’re here because you’re suffering from that devil - chronic pain - aren’t you?
And that’s the reason I’m here as well: to help you escape that soul-sucking creature.
In the following days, I will be emailing you the techniques I used to get over back pain, as well as chronic pain.
Don’t worry. I won’t be sending “salesy” emails that constantly push you to buy my products like other people.
Instead, I will be sharing my personal stories and showing you how to actually get over pain - what doctors NEVER dare to tell you (for FREE!).
P/s: In the meantime, if you wanna know more about my product, here’s where you can find it.
Email 2:
Subject lines:
How to survive chronic pain in under 1 week?
“No pain no gain” is a LIE!
If I had known this method earlier, I wouldn’t have had to suffer this chronic back pain for over a decade!!
Here’s what…
It all started in 2010 when I was at the age of 30…
It was one of my darkest times ever.
I had a 9-to-5 job, sitting all day in my office with a really bad posture.
After several months of working, I gradually feel the pain and injury in my back. But at the beginning the pain was not so serious, so I ignored it thinking that it’ll go away eventually.
But things didn’t go as planned…
As you might guess, the pain got more and more serious. And worse, it SPREADS over my back.
My productivity then decreased, and my mental health went down notably…
It was a hard time. I got upset so easily and was always in grumpy mode.
Of course, I tried millions of methods and spent tons of money on physical treatment, massages, pain-relieving products, you name it.
I also did challenging exercises, including stretching and strengthening my spine. And to be honest, it hurts as f*ck.
But here’s the worst thing: they didn’t work. If yes, it lasted like only 3 or 4 days, and everything was back in its place.
I was so hopeless and didn’t know what to do. I keep questioning myself “Why is this happening to me?”, and fearing the fact that I’ll just need to live with it.
However, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.
I had nothing left to lose, so I decided to use the program that I was most doubtful of - The Back Pain Miracle. At the start, I thought how could you get pain-free without investing hard work and time?
Well, it turns out that I just haven’t found “the one” yet.
The exercise there was too easy to believe that it works.
I only spend like 10 minutes a day just laying and doing some easy movements that I’ve never heard of.
But the results were impressive! (at least better than those methods I used earlier 😰)
In the first 2-3 days, my pain gradually gets lighter and lighter. It feels so satisfying and relaxed.
And on my 5th day, it faded away ENTIRELY! Like there’s never been a pain in my back!
I can exercise like I was in my 20s, and enjoy life happily more than ever!
And of course, when my mental health goes up, everything gets better and better: My mood was cheerful throughout the entire day.
I could feel that I was living, not just existing as I did before.
Hard to believe, right?
I know numerous people out there are being destroyed by their pain (maybe including you) and are experiencing what I had before.
And what if this really is the true answer?
P.S: Here’s the tough truth you probably already knew. If you want different results you need to do something different.
Email 3:
Subject lines:
Doctors are actually lying to you.
The downsides of The Back Pain Miracle...
Subject lines:If I had known this method earlier, I wouldn’t have had to suffer this chronic back pain for over a decade!!
The downsides of The Back Pain Miracle...
Recently I’ve been receiving responses like:
“I’m kinda skeptical about The Back Pain Miracle... Like, it’s just too hard to believe that some simple and slow movements can cure our chronic pain.”
Okay, I understand.
I’m actually glad that you are questioning this, unlike millions of people out there unconsciously believing things on the Internet.
But here’s the point...
When you try to push yourself further and more painfully, you’ll eventually get more stressed, and thus damage your back pain.
There’s always a strong link between mental health and physical health.
Instead, doing slow and effortless exercises not only makes you feel more relaxed but also significantly benefits your chronic back pain.
I've tried going to the gym and doing exercises that are “defined” to strengthen my pain…
And the results were terrible.
My back pain got injured so badly that it froze for over a week!
So do not undermine simple and slow exercises as I did before 😥
P/s: If you need a miracle program that could help you cure your pain in only 10 days, why not try out The Back Pain Miracle?
Email 4:
Subject lines:
Clients refunded my product (which I'm trying to sell you)...
Sorry {First name}, this ain’t a miracle pill.
This morning I received a review from Cady, one of my clients. It says:
“Wow! This program is beyond a miracle! I didn’t really believe it at first. I even bought it with the intention to return it back (as they have the money-back guarantee policy). But I didn’t.”
Wow…My heart skipped a beat when she says she intended to return it back.
Then she said this:
“After 5 days of using it, I feel much better. It’s not as “miracle” as the 1-day pain cure medicines I see in the drug stores that will eventually kill you. Instead, it took me about 10 days to recover fully from my chronic pain.”
Yes! The Back Pain Miracle NEVER has that shiny promise of “curing your pain in just 1 day.” That’s just too impractical and illusory.
“And, after 3 months, I don’t see any pain coming back! It went away entirely with just 10 days of training. Thanks for the program, [NAME]!”
Ahh… this review nearly had me in tears.
Cady, if you’re seeing this, thank you so much for the review!
And, if you also want to have the miracle results that Cady had, try out The Back Pain Miracle and enjoy your own results!
Email 5:
Subject lines:
My friend is too ignorant 😖
Will exercises can actually cure your pain?
Hi {First name},
So today when I was chatting with Sarah, my best friend, she complained continuously about his chronic back pain…
I then introduced her to the best program I’ve known for treating back pain.
But then I get this response:
“Nah, I don’t think it will help. This back pain has been haunting me for decades. Just simple exercises wouldn’t do it”.
Okay, I kinda pity her because she wasn’t able to read my past emails like {First name} can 😂
But because I’m a good friend, I explained everything to her from scratch.
“Do you know that when a muscle or joint has been in serious pain for a long time, the brain stops the painful area from moving?”, I asked.
“What? Really?”, she said with confusion.
“Yeah. Hard to believe, right? At first, people see this as an advantage since the pain wouldn’t spread. But in the long-term, that area of pain will be tighter, and eventually freeze!
So the number one thing you have to do right now is mobilizing and flexing your pain.”, I explained.
“And can that program you said earlier do it for me?”, she stupidly asked.
“It’s literally made for that purpose, girl!”
And for the first time, she actually listened to my advice 😑
She decided to try it (it only cost her like a cup of coffee a day).
And the result was impressive: Her 13-year-back-pain faded away just in 7 days!
She was able to do activities such as hiking, climbing, … which she had missed in the past 13 years.
“I feel like I was reborn.”, she said with a pleased smile.
So yeah, if you want the result like my friend Sarah, you can consider trying The Back Pain Miracle
It helped both me and my best friend from the darkness of life.
P.S: Just to remind you about the time-consuming thing: it only takes 10 minutes a day to have a pain-free life.
Email 6:
'The Back Pain Miracle' is actually NOT a miracle program...
Sorry {First name}, I lied to you.
Recently I’ve been asked a lot of questions like:
“Is the program that miracle? How long does it take to see the result?”
The answer is: a "time sequence"
At the first 3-4 movements, your pain probably won’t fade away eventually (this is not a magic trick after all).
Instead, you will feel your pain relaxed and comfortable and get the feeling like: “Yes...this is it...the one I was looking for”
And from 4-7 days, your pain will gradually fade away and then will disappear entirely! (Of course, as I said earlier, the time depends on different bodies)
When I was trying this program, I spent like 15 minutes a day following their instructions…
And on day 5, I could look in the mirror and say “So, the pain is now the past”
I can do it, you can too!
P.S: Oops, forgot to mention, here’s where you can find that miracle program I talked about.
Email 7:
Subject lines:
Ever noticed you look like a crab? 🦀
Here are today's 2 best memes for you, {First name}.
Hey {First name},
Look at this meme...
Are you this crab every day?
Well... I am! Even the text in the meme fits me so well 😂
Believe it or not, I actually experienced my first chronic pain when I was in college...
I was so ignorant and didn’t change my posture even though everybody was shouting at me…
And there was the result: living with this stupid pain for over a decade!!
But hey, I luckily tried a miracle program for treating my pain
And the result really surprised me! 😱
My pain is gradually fading away now
I think I’m getting closer to doing this:
Image by Lucia Heffernan
Okay sorry, that’s actually too much…
But you know what I mean, right? 😂
P.S: Here’s the program I used to get close to that chick: The Back Pain Miracle - a miracle as its name!
Email 8:
Subject lines:
Your last chance, {First name}.
Closing The Miracle Back Pain in 24 hours…
Subject lines:
Closing in 24 hours…
Hey {First name},
It’s your last chance to get The Back Pain Miracle with just $47 ($1.57/day)
Chances are we’re going to raise that price up to $200, or even $1000, in the upcoming days.
I just wanted to tell you that I will no longer be sending Emails to you in the future.
So if you want to live a pain-free life by just doing simple exercises, here’s where you can find the program that can help you.
P/s: Damn… this is the last email. I’m in tears right now.
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Posted Mar 18, 2022
An Email sequence for an affiliate marketer selling a program for women aged 35-55 who has chronic back pain.