As mentioned above, you should start communicating your intentions at around three of four dates, approximately a month into a connection. While some romance novel slow burn romances are worth living for, keep in mind that everything has an expiration dates. Evidently, many articles under the key words “relationship timeline” clearly stated different phases of a relationship. These sources have one thing in common, they all stated that the length of each stage are counted by months or weeks. After a certain amount of time, a connection will eventually pass the prime point of development. As a result, you and your potential partner(s) will remain friends or a casual fling, depending on the strictness of your boundary. To ensure you are not missing out on a potential relationship, make sure you have a deadline for all the connections on your roster. Your deadline can be broad and flexible, for instance, don’t remain in the talking phase for more than a month. For those of you who are extra, you can add in a detail or two for each stage. From my personal experience, if I don’t feel the need to randomly facetime him at night after two weeks of talking, I am not that into him.