ifolio framer template

Son Nguyen Xuan

UI Designer
Framer Designer

ifolio is a modern brutalist style Framer template designed specifically for. Creatives Designers, Freelancers to help you extend your brand.. Show your work, share your thoughts, and sell your products with this minimal and dark color schemed template.

❇️ Project Overview

I made my first website template with Framer after fiddling with their new Framer Sites product for several months. My purpose in creating this template was to help any creative designer, freelaner to pick up this template, add their content and publish their portfolio website.

This template had the following pages:

✧ Homepage: powered by Framer CMS. This shows your best work here. You can show skill, experience and knowledge

✧ Project page: you can add all projects here with a unique way to show your creativity design.

✧ Blog/Articles: you can easily add your articles and sharing your skills

✧ Contact Page: it's simple contact page with great design to show your contact info

✧ Bonus! It also comes with a mini-guide to help you along the way and get to know a few steps, so your website looks how you want it to.

🚀 The Process

Let me quickly summarise everything I did from planning to launch:

✧ Ideation/Wireframing: I start with brainstorming idea and collect content, color pallete/icon/images, I quickly created a low-fidelity wireframe in Figma to clarify basic layout of webpage

✧ Designing: i build a small design system with simple typography system and color system in Figma. And using it to create final design for desktop and mobile

✧ Developing and scaling the website: after finish the design in Figma, i start moving design system (typography system and color style) to Framer before converting design to Framer by using Figma to Framer plugin, i will create components, adding accessibility information to each element on the website to make it running smoothly on Framer

✧ Publishing the final version and promotions (or were there any? 👀): After fixing everything, I set up a LemonSqueezy/Gumroad/UI8 account and designed some custom assets to buy my product on their platform. I shared the live link to the site on my socials, on the Framer's official community, and that's it!

✦ Timeline: 4 weeks

✦ Price: $59

✦ Number of sales I made: 100+

Impressed? Want me to create a Framer website for you? Check

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here and send an inquiry! 🤝

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