Bartolo ✦

Luana Corrias


Brand Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator



Bartolo is a location based mobile app where anyone can exchange stuff & services in their own neighbourhood. The concept behind is to open the connections without relying on a network of personal contacts. Since sometimes finding people willing to exchange goods and services that match one’s needs can be a problem, Bartolo gives an alternative solution: Asynchronous bartering is the key, an exchange based on credits.


COMPETITOR ANALYSIS ‍ ‍I considered two competitors: a little-known barter app, Xtribe, and a neighbourhood app, Nextdoor. The analysis involved looking at the apps’ overall strategies, key objectives, target markets, marketing strategies and SWOT analysis.
USER PERSONAS ‍ ‍I conducted interviews with potential users and developed three user personas in order to delineate my audience and to design the app with my target audience in mind. Here’s one of them.
USER FLOW ‍ I developed the flows according to the three user stories. I identified as necessary and essential features.
WIREFRAMES ‍ From sketches to the final product, the designing process went passed through the creation of low, mid and high-fidelity wireframes. Here’s some screens in according with the previous user flow.


MASCOT & LOGOTYPE ‍ Bartolo name is the combination of the verb 'barter' and the name of a dog. The mascot - with its funny walk - tries to represent a person grappling with their newly bartered goods and a person who has just finished to help someone with home repairs. Bartolo logotype is composed by Modak type.
PALETTE & TYPOGRAPHY ‍ ‍The Bartolo app consists of orange, purple, green, yellow, grey and white. This palette makes the Bartolo app fun, friendly and playful. Type in use: Baloo Da 2.
ICONS ‍ All icons are pixel perfect and have a rounded corners in line with typography and the funny concept of the app. The entire set consist of 15 icons.


DESKTOP, TABLET, MOBILE ‍ Bartolo was designed in three versions to best suit the device in use. A mobile & tablet app and a website version for desktop.
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Posted Sep 25, 2023

UX/UI Design | Visual Identity | Responsive Design – Bartolo is a mobile app where anyone can exchange stuff & services in their own neighbourhood.






Brand Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator


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