triple j app home page redesign

Manon Drielsma

UX Designer
Product Designer

The Challenge

To redesign the triple j app home page to champion the full breadth and depth of content available on the app in order to attract and retain a rapidly evolving audience.

The Process

This work encompassed crafting a strategic vision for the re-design, broad collaboration with stakeholders across the organisation, comprehensive usability testing with real end-users to refine the solution, and close collaboration with iOS and Android engineers to build the final implementation. During the research phase of the redesign, a broad range of features and functionality were explored including audio streaming, on-demand content experience, personalisation, vertical video, and podcasts.

The Solution

The final solution was optimised for both Android and iOS native apps on both mobile and tablet and successfully reached our primary objective of significantly uplifting overall engagement with on-demand content on the app.
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